
/OpenJDK 21

Class SAXParser

public abstract class SAXParser extends Object
Defines the API that wraps an XMLReader implementation class. In JAXP 1.0, this class wrapped the Parser interface, however this interface was replaced by the XMLReader. For ease of transition, this class continues to support the same name and interface as well as supporting new methods. An instance of this class can be obtained from the SAXParserFactory.newSAXParser() method. Once an instance of this class is obtained, XML can be parsed from a variety of input sources. These input sources are InputStreams, Files, URLs, and SAX InputSources.

This static method creates a new factory instance based on a system property setting or uses the platform default if no property has been defined.

The system property that controls which Factory implementation to create is named "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory". This property names a class that is a concrete subclass of this abstract class. If no property is defined, a platform default will be used.

As the content is parsed by the underlying parser, methods of the given HandlerBase or the DefaultHandler are called.

Implementors of this class which wrap an underlying implementation can consider using the ParserAdapter class to initially adapt their SAX1 implementation to work under this revised class.


Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Protected constructor to prevent instantiation.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
abstract Parser getParser()
Returns the SAX parser that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
abstract Object getProperty(String name)
Returns the particular property requested for in the underlying implementation of XMLReader.
Schema getSchema()
Get a reference to the Schema being used by the XML processor.
abstract XMLReader getXMLReader()
Returns the XMLReader that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
abstract boolean isNamespaceAware()
Indicates whether or not this parser is configured to understand namespaces.
abstract boolean isValidating()
Indicates whether or not this parser is configured to validate XML documents.
boolean isXIncludeAware()
Get the XInclude processing mode for this parser.
void parse(File f, HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
void parse(File f, DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
void parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
void parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb, String systemId)
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
void parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
void parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh, String systemId)
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
void parse(String uri, HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
void parse(String uri, DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
void parse(InputSource is, HandlerBase hb)
Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
void parse(InputSource is, DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
void reset()
Reset this SAXParser to its original configuration.
abstract void setProperty(String name, Object value)
Sets the particular property in the underlying implementation of XMLReader.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected SAXParser()

Protected constructor to prevent instantiation. Use SAXParserFactory.newSAXParser().

Method Details


public void reset()

Reset this SAXParser to its original configuration.

SAXParser is reset to the same state as when it was created with SAXParserFactory.newSAXParser(). reset() is designed to allow the reuse of existing SAXParsers thus saving resources associated with the creation of new SAXParsers.

The reset SAXParser is not guaranteed to have the same Schema Object, e.g. Object.equals(Object obj). It is guaranteed to have a functionally equal Schema.

UnsupportedOperationException - When Implementations do not override this method


public void parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb) throws SAXException, IOException

Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase. Use of the DefaultHandler version of this method is recommended as the HandlerBase class has been deprecated in SAX 2.0.

is - InputStream containing the content to be parsed.
hb - The SAX HandlerBase to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the given InputStream is null.
SAXException - If parse produces a SAX error.
IOException - If an IO error occurs interacting with the InputStream.
See Also:


public void parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException

Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase. Use of the DefaultHandler version of this method is recommended as the HandlerBase class has been deprecated in SAX 2.0.

is - InputStream containing the content to be parsed.
hb - The SAX HandlerBase to use.
systemId - The systemId which is needed for resolving relative URIs.
IllegalArgumentException - If the given InputStream is null.
IOException - If any IO error occurs interacting with the InputStream.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
is - InputStream containing the content to be parsed.
dh - The SAX DefaultHandler to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the given InputStream is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
is - InputStream containing the content to be parsed.
dh - The SAX DefaultHandler to use.
systemId - The systemId which is needed for resolving relative URIs.
IllegalArgumentException - If the given InputStream is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(String uri, HandlerBase hb) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified HandlerBase. Use of the DefaultHandler version of this method is recommended as the HandlerBase class has been deprecated in SAX 2.0
uri - The location of the content to be parsed.
hb - The SAX HandlerBase to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the uri is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(String uri, DefaultHandler dh) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
uri - The location of the content to be parsed.
dh - The SAX DefaultHandler to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the uri is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(File f, HandlerBase hb) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified HandlerBase. Use of the DefaultHandler version of this method is recommended as the HandlerBase class has been deprecated in SAX 2.0
f - The file containing the XML to parse
hb - The SAX HandlerBase to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the File object is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(File f, DefaultHandler dh) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
f - The file containing the XML to parse
dh - The SAX DefaultHandler to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the File object is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(InputSource is, HandlerBase hb) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified HandlerBase. Use of the DefaultHandler version of this method is recommended as the HandlerBase class has been deprecated in SAX 2.0
is - The InputSource containing the content to be parsed.
hb - The SAX HandlerBase to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the InputSource object is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public void parse(InputSource is, DefaultHandler dh) throws SAXException, IOException
Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
is - The InputSource containing the content to be parsed.
dh - The SAX DefaultHandler to use.
IllegalArgumentException - If the InputSource object is null.
IOException - If any IO errors occur.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.
See Also:


public abstract Parser getParser() throws SAXException
Returns the SAX parser that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
The SAX parser that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.


public abstract XMLReader getXMLReader() throws SAXException
Returns the XMLReader that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
The XMLReader that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
SAXException - If any SAX errors occur during processing.


public abstract boolean isNamespaceAware()
Indicates whether or not this parser is configured to understand namespaces.
true if this parser is configured to understand namespaces; false otherwise.


public abstract boolean isValidating()
Indicates whether or not this parser is configured to validate XML documents.
true if this parser is configured to validate XML documents; false otherwise.


public abstract void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException

Sets the particular property in the underlying implementation of XMLReader. A list of the core features and properties can be found at http://sax.sourceforge.net/?selected=get-set.

All implementations that implement JAXP 1.5 or newer are required to support the XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD and XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA properties.

  • Setting the XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD property restricts the access to external DTDs, external Entity References to the protocols specified by the property. If access is denied during parsing due to the restriction of this property, SAXException will be thrown by the parse methods defined by SAXParser.

    Setting the XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA property restricts the access to external Schema set by the schemaLocation attribute to the protocols specified by the property. If access is denied during parsing due to the restriction of this property, SAXException will be thrown by the parse methods defined by the SAXParser.

name - The name of the property to be set.
value - The value of the property to be set.
SAXNotRecognizedException - When the underlying XMLReader does not recognize the property name.
SAXNotSupportedException - When the underlying XMLReader recognizes the property name but doesn't support the property.
See Also:


public abstract Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException

Returns the particular property requested for in the underlying implementation of XMLReader.

name - The name of the property to be retrieved.
Value of the requested property.
SAXNotRecognizedException - When the underlying XMLReader does not recognize the property name.
SAXNotSupportedException - When the underlying XMLReader recognizes the property name but doesn't support the property.
See Also:


public Schema getSchema()

Get a reference to the Schema being used by the XML processor.

If no schema is being used, null is returned.

Schema being used or null if none in use
UnsupportedOperationException - When implementation does not override this method


public boolean isXIncludeAware()

Get the XInclude processing mode for this parser.

the return value of the SAXParserFactory.isXIncludeAware() when this parser was created from factory.
UnsupportedOperationException - When implementation does not override this method
See Also:

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