
/OpenJDK 21

Interface XMLEventAllocator

public interface XMLEventAllocator
This interface defines a class that allows a user to register a way to allocate events given an XMLStreamReader. An implementation is not required to use the XMLEventFactory implementation but this is recommended. The XMLEventAllocator can be set on an XMLInputFactory using the property "javax.xml.stream.allocator"
See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
XMLEvent allocate(XMLStreamReader reader)
This method allocates an event given the current state of the XMLStreamReader.
void allocate(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLEventConsumer consumer)
This method allocates an event or set of events given the current state of the XMLStreamReader and adds the event or set of events to the consumer that was passed in.
XMLEventAllocator newInstance()
This method creates an instance of the XMLEventAllocator.

Method Details


XMLEventAllocator newInstance()
This method creates an instance of the XMLEventAllocator. This allows the XMLInputFactory to allocate a new instance per reader.
an instance of the XMLEventAllocator


XMLEvent allocate(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException
This method allocates an event given the current state of the XMLStreamReader. If this XMLEventAllocator does not have a one-to-one mapping between reader states and events this method will return null. This method must not modify the state of the XMLStreamReader.
reader - The XMLStreamReader to allocate from
the event corresponding to the current reader state
XMLStreamException - if an error occurs


void allocate(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLEventConsumer consumer) throws XMLStreamException
This method allocates an event or set of events given the current state of the XMLStreamReader and adds the event or set of events to the consumer that was passed in. This method can be used to expand or contract reader states into event states. This method may modify the state of the XMLStreamReader.
reader - The XMLStreamReader to allocate from
consumer - The XMLEventConsumer to add to.
XMLStreamException - if an error occurs

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