
/OpenJDK 21

Class SettingDescriptorInfo

public final class SettingDescriptorInfo extends Object
Management class that describes a setting, for example name, description and default value.
See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
static SettingDescriptorInfo from(CompositeData cd)
Returns an SettingDescriptorInfo represented by the specified CompositeData
String getContentType()
Returns the content type of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "jdk.jfr.Timespan").
String getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "20 ms").
String getDescription()
Returns the description of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "The duration an event must exceed to be be recorded").
String getLabel()
Returns the human-readable name of the setting associated with this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "Threshold").
String getName()
Returns the name of the setting associated with this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "threshold").
String getTypeName()
Returns the type name of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "jdk.settings.Threshold").
String toString()
Returns a String description of this SettingDescriptorInfo.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Details


public String getLabel()
Returns the human-readable name of the setting associated with this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "Threshold").
the label for this setting, not null


public String getName()
Returns the name of the setting associated with this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "threshold").
the name of this setting, not null


public String getDescription()
Returns the description of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "The duration an event must exceed to be be recorded").
the description of this setting, not null


public String getTypeName()
Returns the type name of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "jdk.settings.Threshold").

The type can be used to identify what type of setting this is.

the name of this settings type, not null


public String getContentType()
Returns the content type of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "jdk.jfr.Timespan").

The content type can be used to determine how the setting should be rendered in a graphical user interface.

the name of this settings type, not null


public String getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of the setting associated this SettingDescriptorInfo (for example, "20 ms").
default value for this setting, not null
See Also:


public static SettingDescriptorInfo from(CompositeData cd)
Returns an SettingDescriptorInfo represented by the specified CompositeData

The supplied CompositeData must have the following item names and item types to be valid.

The name and type the specified CompositeData must contain
Name Type
name String
label String
description String
typeName String
contentType String
defaultValue String
cd - CompositeData representing the SettingDescriptorInfo to return
a SettingDescriptorInfo, or null if cd is null
IllegalArgumentException - if cd does not represent a valid EventTypeInfo


public String toString()
Returns a String description of this SettingDescriptorInfo.
toString in class Object
a string describing this setting, not null

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