Class Phalcon\Http\Request\File
extends SplFileInfo
implements Phalcon\Http\Request\FileInterface
Provides OO wrappers to the $_FILES superglobal
class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
public function uploadAction()
if ($this->request->hasFiles() == true) {
foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file){
echo $file->getName(), " ", $file->getSize(), "\n";
public __construct (array $file)
Phalcon\Http\Request\File constructor
public int getSize ()
Returns the file size of the uploaded file
public string getName ()
Returns the real name of the uploaded file
public string getTempName ()
Returns the temporary name of the uploaded file
public string getType ()
Returns the mime type reported by the browser This mime type is not completely secure, use getRealType() instead
public string getRealType ()
Gets the real mime type of the upload file using finfo
public string getError ()
Returns the error code
public string getKey ()
Returns the file key
public boolean isUploadedFile ()
Checks whether the file has been uploaded via Post.
public boolean moveTo (string $destination)
Moves the temporary file to a destination within the application
public static __set_state (unknown $params)
public string getExtension ()
Returns the file extension
public getPath () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getFilename () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getBasename ([unknown $suffix]) inherited from SplFileInfo
public getPathname () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getPerms () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getInode () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getOwner () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getGroup () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getATime () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getMTime () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getCTime () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isWritable () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isReadable () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isExecutable () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isFile () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isDir () inherited from SplFileInfo
public isLink () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getLinkTarget () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getRealPath () inherited from SplFileInfo
public getFileInfo ([unknown $class_name]) inherited from SplFileInfo
public getPathInfo ([unknown $class_name]) inherited from SplFileInfo
public openFile ([unknown $open_mode], [unknown $use_include_path], [unknown $context]) inherited from SplFileInfo
public setFileClass ([unknown $class_name]) inherited from SplFileInfo
public setInfoClass ([unknown $class_name]) inherited from SplFileInfo
final public _bad_state_ex () inherited from SplFileInfo
public __toString () inherited from SplFileInfo