

ImageViewer is a class for 2D image visualization. More...

#include <pcl/visualization/image_viewer.h>


struct ExitCallback
struct ExitMainLoopTimerCallback

Public Types

using Ptr = shared_ptr< ImageViewer >
using ConstPtr = shared_ptr< const ImageViewer >

Public Member Functions

ImageViewer (const std::string &window_title="")
Constructor. More...
virtual ~ImageViewer ()
Destructor. More...
void setInteractorStyle (vtkInteractorObserver *style)
Set up the interactor style. More...
void showMonoImage (const unsigned char *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a monochrome 2D image on screen. More...
void addMonoImage (const unsigned char *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a monochrome 2D image on screen. More...
void addMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a monochrome 2D image on screen. More...
void addMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a monochrome 2D image on screen. More...
void addMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a monochrome 2D image on screen. More...
void addMonoImage (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="mono_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showRGBImage (const unsigned char *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D RGB image on screen. More...
void addRGBImage (const unsigned char *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0, bool autoresize=true)
Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
template<typename T >
void showRGBImage (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image on screen, obtained from the RGB channel of a point cloud. More...
template<typename T >
void addRGBImage (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
template<typename T >
void showRGBImage (const pcl::PointCloud< T > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image on screen, obtained from the RGB channel of a point cloud. More...
template<typename T >
void addRGBImage (const pcl::PointCloud< T > &cloud, const std::string &layer_id="rgb_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showFloatImage (const float *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, float min_value=std::numeric_limits< float >::min(), float max_value=std::numeric_limits< float >::max(), bool grayscale=false, const std::string &layer_id="float_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image (float) on screen. More...
void addFloatImage (const float *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, float min_value=std::numeric_limits< float >::min(), float max_value=std::numeric_limits< float >::max(), bool grayscale=false, const std::string &layer_id="float_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a float 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showShortImage (const unsigned short *short_image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned short min_value=std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::min(), unsigned short max_value=std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::max(), bool grayscale=false, const std::string &layer_id="short_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image (unsigned short) on screen. More...
void addShortImage (const unsigned short *short_image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned short min_value=std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::min(), unsigned short max_value=std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::max(), bool grayscale=false, const std::string &layer_id="short_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a short 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showAngleImage (const float *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="angle_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image on screen representing angle data. More...
void addAngleImage (const float *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="angle_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add an angle 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void showHalfAngleImage (const float *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="half_angle_image", double opacity=1.0)
Show a 2D image on screen representing half angle data. More...
void addHalfAngleImage (const float *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, const std::string &layer_id="half_angle_image", double opacity=1.0)
Add a half angle 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update). More...
void markPoint (std::size_t u, std::size_t v, Vector3ub fg_color, Vector3ub bg_color=red_color, double radius=3.0, const std::string &layer_id="points", double opacity=1.0)
Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another. More...
void markPoints (const std::vector< int > &uv, Vector3ub fg_color, Vector3ub bg_color=red_color, double size=3.0, const std::string &layer_id="markers", double opacity=1.0)
Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another. More...
void markPoints (const std::vector< float > &uv, Vector3ub fg_color, Vector3ub bg_color=red_color, double size=3.0, const std::string &layer_id="markers", double opacity=1.0)
Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another (float coordinates version). More...
void setWindowTitle (const std::string &name)
Set the window title name. More...
void spin ()
Spin method. More...
void spinOnce (int time=1, bool force_redraw=true)
Spin once method. More...
boost::signals2::connection registerKeyboardCallback (void(*callback)(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &, void *), void *cookie=nullptr)
Register a callback function for keyboard events. More...
template<typename T >
boost::signals2::connection registerKeyboardCallback (void(T::*callback)(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &, void *), T &instance, void *cookie=nullptr)
Register a callback function for keyboard events. More...
boost::signals2::connection registerKeyboardCallback (std::function< void(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &)> cb)
Register a callback std::function for keyboard events. More...
boost::signals2::connection registerMouseCallback (void(*callback)(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &, void *), void *cookie=nullptr)
Register a callback std::function for mouse events. More...
template<typename T >
boost::signals2::connection registerMouseCallback (void(T::*callback)(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &, void *), T &instance, void *cookie=nullptr)
Register a callback function for mouse events. More...
boost::signals2::connection registerMouseCallback (std::function< void(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &)> cb)
Register a callback function for mouse events. More...
void setPosition (int x, int y)
Set the position in screen coordinates. More...
void setSize (int xw, int yw)
Set the window size in screen coordinates. More...
int * getSize ()
Return the window size in pixels. More...
bool wasStopped () const
Returns true when the user tried to close the window. More...
void close ()
Stop the interaction and close the visualizaton window. More...
bool addCircle (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double radius, const std::string &layer_id="circles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a circle shape from a point and a radius. More...
bool addCircle (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double radius, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="circles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a circle shape from a point and a radius. More...
bool addRectangle (const pcl::PointXY &min_pt, const pcl::PointXY &max_pt, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
bool addRectangle (const pcl::PointXY &min_pt, const pcl::PointXY &max_pt, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
bool addRectangle (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int y_max, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
bool addRectangle (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int y_max, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
template<typename T >
bool addRectangle (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const T &min_pt, const T &max_pt, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
template<typename T >
bool addRectangle (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const T &min_pt, const T &max_pt, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color. More...
template<typename T >
bool addRectangle (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PointCloud< T > &mask, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="rectangles", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box that contains a given image mask and color its edges. More...
template<typename T >
bool addRectangle (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PointCloud< T > &mask, const std::string &layer_id="image_mask", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D box that contains a given image mask and color its edges in red. More...
bool addFilledRectangle (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int y_max, const std::string &layer_id="boxes", double opacity=0.5)
Add a 2D box and fill it in with a given color. More...
bool addFilledRectangle (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int y_max, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="boxes", double opacity=0.5)
Add a 2D box and fill it in with a given color. More...
bool addLine (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_max, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="line", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D line with a given color. More...
bool addLine (unsigned int x_min, unsigned int y_min, unsigned int x_max, unsigned int y_max, const std::string &layer_id="line", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D line with a given color. More...
bool addText (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const std::string &text, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="line", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D text with a given color. More...
bool addText (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const std::string &text, const std::string &layer_id="line", double opacity=1.0)
Add a 2D text with a given color. More...
template<typename T >
bool addMask (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PointCloud< T > &mask, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="image_mask", double opacity=0.5)
Add a generic 2D mask to an image. More...
template<typename T >
bool addMask (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PointCloud< T > &mask, const std::string &layer_id="image_mask", double opacity=0.5)
Add a generic 2D mask to an image (colored in red) More...
template<typename T >
bool addPlanarPolygon (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PlanarPolygon< T > &polygon, double r, double g, double b, const std::string &layer_id="planar_polygon", double opacity=1.0)
Add a generic 2D planar polygon to an image. More...
template<typename T >
bool addPlanarPolygon (const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr &image, const pcl::PlanarPolygon< T > &polygon, const std::string &layer_id="planar_polygon", double opacity=1.0)
Add a generic 2D planar polygon to an image. More...
bool addLayer (const std::string &layer_id, int width, int height, double opacity=0.5)
Add a new 2D rendering layer to the viewer. More...
void removeLayer (const std::string &layer_id)
Remove a 2D layer given by its ID. More...
template<typename PointT >
bool showCorrespondences (const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &source_img, const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &target_img, const pcl::Correspondences &correspondences, int nth=1, const std::string &layer_id="correspondences")
Add the specified correspondences to the display. More...

Protected Member Functions

void render ()
Trigger a render call. More...
void convertIntensityCloudToUChar (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > &cloud, boost::shared_array< unsigned char > data)
Convert the Intensity information in a PointCloud<Intensity> to an unsigned char array. More...
void convertIntensityCloud8uToUChar (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > &cloud, boost::shared_array< unsigned char > data)
Convert the Intensity8u information in a PointCloud<Intensity8u> to an unsigned char array. More...
template<typename T >
void convertRGBCloudToUChar (const pcl::PointCloud< T > &cloud, boost::shared_array< unsigned char > &data)
Convert the RGB information in a PointCloud<T> to an unsigned char array. More...
void resetStoppedFlag ()
Set the stopped flag back to false. More...
void emitMouseEvent (unsigned long event_id)
Fire up a mouse event with a specified event ID. More...
void emitKeyboardEvent (unsigned long event_id)
Fire up a keyboard event with a specified event ID. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void MouseCallback (vtkObject *, unsigned long eid, void *clientdata, void *calldata)
static void KeyboardCallback (vtkObject *, unsigned long eid, void *clientdata, void *calldata)

Detailed Description

ImageViewer is a class for 2D image visualization.

Features include:

  • add and remove different layers with different opacity (transparency) values
  • add 2D geometric shapes (circles, boxes, etc) in separate layers
  • display RGB, monochrome, float, angle images

Simple usage example:

iv.addCircle (10, 10, 5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "circles", 1.0); // add a red, fully opaque circle with radius 5 pixels at (10,10) in layer "circles"
iv.addFilledRectangle (10, 20, 10, 20, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, "boxes", 0.5); // add a green, 50% transparent box at (10,10->20,20) in layer "boxes"
iv.addRGBImage<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (cloud); // add a RGB image from a point cloud dataset in an "rgb_image" default layer
iv.spin (); // press 'q' to exit
iv.removeLayer ("circles"); // remove layer "circles"
iv.spin (); // press 'q' to exit
Radu B. Rusu, Suat Gedikli

Definition at line 118 of file image_viewer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 122 of file image_viewer.h.


Definition at line 121 of file image_viewer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::ImageViewer ( const std::string & window_title = "" )


[in] window_title the title of the window


virtual pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::~ImageViewer ( )


Member Function Documentation


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addAngleImage ( const float * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "angle_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add an angle 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

addCircle() [1/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addCircle ( unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
double radius,
const std::string & layer_id = "circles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a circle shape from a point and a radius.

[in] x the x coordinate of the circle center
[in] y the y coordinate of the circle center
[in] radius the radius of the circle
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addCircle() [2/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addCircle ( unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
double radius,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "circles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a circle shape from a point and a radius.

[in] x the x coordinate of the circle center
[in] y the y coordinate of the circle center
[in] radius the radius of the circle
[in] r the red channel of the color that the sphere should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the sphere should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the sphere should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addFilledRectangle() [1/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addFilledRectangle ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int y_max,
const std::string & layer_id = "boxes",
double opacity = 0.5

Add a 2D box and fill it in with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 0.5)

addFilledRectangle() [2/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addFilledRectangle ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int y_max,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "boxes",
double opacity = 0.5

Add a 2D box and fill it in with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] r the red channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 0.5)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addFloatImage ( const float * data,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
float min_value = std::numeric_limits< float >::min(),
float max_value = std::numeric_limits< float >::max(),
bool grayscale = false,
const std::string & layer_id = "float_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a float 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] data the input data representing the image in float format
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] min_value filter all values in the image to be larger than this minimum value
[in] max_value filter all values in the image to be smaller than this maximum value
[in] grayscale show data as grayscale (true) or not (false). Default: false
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addHalfAngleImage ( const float * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "half_angle_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a half angle 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addLayer ( const std::string & layer_id,
int width,
int height,
double opacity = 0.5

Add a new 2D rendering layer to the viewer.

[in] layer_id the name of the layer
[in] width the width of the layer
[in] height the height of the layer
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 0.5)

addLine() [1/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addLine ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_max,
const std::string & layer_id = "line",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D line with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addLine() [2/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addLine ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_max,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "line",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D line with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] r the red channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addMask() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMask ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PointCloud< T > & mask,
const std::string & layer_id = "image_mask",
double opacity = 0.5

Add a generic 2D mask to an image (colored in red)

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] mask the point data representing the mask that we want to draw
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 0.5)

Definition at line 141 of file image_viewer.hpp.

addMask() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMask ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PointCloud< T > & mask,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "image_mask",
double opacity = 0.5

Add a generic 2D mask to an image.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] mask the point data representing the mask that we want to draw
[in] r the red channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] g the green channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 0.5)

Definition at line 97 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::height, pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::isOrganized(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::projectPoint(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::setInputCloud(), pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::size(), pcl::PointXY::x, and pcl::PointXY::y.

addMonoImage() [1/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

addMonoImage() [2/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 182 of file image_viewer.h.

addMonoImage() [3/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

addMonoImage() [4/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 224 of file image_viewer.h.

addMonoImage() [5/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addMonoImage ( const unsigned char * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a monochrome 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

addPlanarPolygon() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addPlanarPolygon ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PlanarPolygon< T > & polygon,
const std::string & layer_id = "planar_polygon",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a generic 2D planar polygon to an image.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] polygon the point data representing the polygon that we want to draw. A line will be drawn from each point to the next in the dataset.
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 199 of file image_viewer.hpp.

addPlanarPolygon() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addPlanarPolygon ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PlanarPolygon< T > & polygon,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "planar_polygon",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a generic 2D planar polygon to an image.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] polygon the point data representing the polygon that we want to draw. A line will be drawn from each point to the next in the dataset.
[in] r the red channel of the color that the polygon should be rendered with
[in] g the green channel of the color that the polygon should be rendered with
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the polygon should be rendered with
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 151 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::PlanarPolygon< PointT >::getContour(), pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::isOrganized(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::projectPoint(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::setInputCloud(), pcl::PointXY::x, and pcl::PointXY::y.

addRectangle() [1/8]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const pcl::PointXY & min_pt,
const pcl::PointXY & max_pt,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] min_pt the X,Y min coordinate
[in] max_pt the X,Y max coordinate
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addRectangle() [2/8]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const pcl::PointXY & min_pt,
const pcl::PointXY & max_pt,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] min_pt the X,Y min coordinate
[in] max_pt the X,Y max coordinate
[in] r the red channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addRectangle() [3/8]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PointCloud< T > & mask,
const std::string & layer_id = "image_mask",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box that contains a given image mask and color its edges in red.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] mask the point data representing the mask that we want to draw
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 342 of file image_viewer.hpp.

addRectangle() [4/8]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const pcl::PointCloud< T > & mask,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box that contains a given image mask and color its edges.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] mask the point data representing the mask that we want to draw
[in] r the red channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] g the green channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the mask should be rendered with
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 290 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::height, pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::isOrganized(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::projectPoint(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::setInputCloud(), pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::size(), pcl::PointXY::x, and pcl::PointXY::y.

addRectangle() [5/8]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const T & min_pt,
const T & max_pt,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] min_pt the X,Y min coordinate
[in] max_pt the X,Y max coordinate
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 279 of file image_viewer.hpp.

addRectangle() [6/8]

template<typename T >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & image,
const T & min_pt,
const T & max_pt,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] image the organized point cloud dataset containing the image data
[in] min_pt the X,Y min coordinate
[in] max_pt the X,Y max coordinate
[in] r the red channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 209 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::height, pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::isOrganized(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::projectPoint(), pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor< PointT >::setInputCloud(), pcl::PointXY::x, and pcl::PointXY::y.

addRectangle() [7/8]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int y_max,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addRectangle() [8/8]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle ( unsigned int x_min,
unsigned int x_max,
unsigned int y_min,
unsigned int y_max,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "rectangles",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D box and color its edges with a given color.

[in] x_min the X min coordinate
[in] x_max the X max coordinate
[in] y_min the Y min coordinate
[in] y_max the Y max coordinate
[in] r the red channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the box should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addRGBImage() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRGBImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< T > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 70 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::height, and pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::width.

addRGBImage() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRGBImage ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 290 of file image_viewer.h.

addRGBImage() [3/3]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRGBImage ( const unsigned char * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0,
bool autoresize = true

Add an RGB 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)
[in] autoresize flag to enable window to adapt to image size (default true)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addShortImage ( const unsigned short * short_image,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
unsigned short min_value = std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::min(),
unsigned short max_value = std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::max(),
bool grayscale = false,
const std::string & layer_id = "short_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a short 2D image layer, but do not render it (use spin/spinOnce to update).

[in] short_image the input data representing the image in unsigned short format
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] min_value filter all values in the image to be larger than this minimum value
[in] max_value filter all values in the image to be smaller than this maximum value
[in] grayscale show data as grayscale (true) or not (false). Default: false
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

addText() [1/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addText ( unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
const std::string & text,
const std::string & layer_id = "line",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D text with a given color.

[in] x the X coordinate
[in] y the Y coordinate
[in] text the text string to be displayed
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)

addText() [2/2]

bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addText ( unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
const std::string & text,
double r,
double g,
double b,
const std::string & layer_id = "line",
double opacity = 1.0

Add a 2D text with a given color.

[in] x the X coordinate
[in] y the Y coordinate
[in] text the text string to be displayed
[in] r the red channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] g the green channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] b the blue channel of the color that the line should be rendered with (0.0 -> 1.0)
[in] layer_id the 2D layer ID where we want the extra information to be drawn.
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer: 0 for invisible, 1 for opaque. (default: 1.0)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::close ( )

Stop the interaction and close the visualizaton window.

Definition at line 565 of file image_viewer.h.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::convertIntensityCloud8uToUChar ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > & cloud,
boost::shared_array< unsigned char > data

Convert the Intensity8u information in a PointCloud<Intensity8u> to an unsigned char array.

[in] cloud the input cloud containing the grayscale intensity information
[out] data a boost shared array of unsigned char type
The method assumes that the data array has already been allocated and contains enough space to copy all the data from cloud!


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::convertIntensityCloudToUChar ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > & cloud,
boost::shared_array< unsigned char > data

Convert the Intensity information in a PointCloud<Intensity> to an unsigned char array.

[in] cloud the input cloud containing the grayscale intensity information
[out] data a boost shared array of unsigned char type
The method assumes that the data array has already been allocated and contains enough space to copy all the data from cloud!


template<typename T >
void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::convertRGBCloudToUChar ( const pcl::PointCloud< T > & cloud,
boost::shared_array< unsigned char > & data

Convert the RGB information in a PointCloud<T> to an unsigned char array.

[in] cloud the input cloud containing the RGB information
[out] data a boost shared array of unsigned char type
The method assumes that the data array has already been allocated and contains enough space to copy all the data from cloud!

Definition at line 55 of file image_viewer.hpp.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::emitKeyboardEvent ( unsigned long event_id )

Fire up a keyboard event with a specified event ID.

[in] event_id the id of the event


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::emitMouseEvent ( unsigned long event_id )

Fire up a mouse event with a specified event ID.

[in] event_id the id of the event


int* pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::getSize ( )

Return the window size in pixels.


static void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::KeyboardCallback ( vtkObject * ,
unsigned long eid,
void * clientdata,
void * calldata


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::markPoint ( std::size_t u,
std::size_t v,
Vector3ub fg_color,
Vector3ub bg_color = red_color,
double radius = 3.0,
const std::string & layer_id = "points",
double opacity = 1.0

Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another.

[in] u the u/x coordinate of the pixel
[in] v the v/y coordinate of the pixel
[in] fg_color the pixel color
[in] bg_color the neighborhood color
[in] radius the circle radius around the pixel
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "points")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

markPoints() [1/2]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::markPoints ( const std::vector< float > & uv,
Vector3ub fg_color,
Vector3ub bg_color = red_color,
double size = 3.0,
const std::string & layer_id = "markers",
double opacity = 1.0

Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another (float coordinates version).

[in] uv the u/x, v/y coordinate of the pixels to be marked
[in] fg_color the pixel color
[in] bg_color the neighborhood color
[in] size edge of the square surrounding each pixel
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "markers")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

markPoints() [2/2]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::markPoints ( const std::vector< int > & uv,
Vector3ub fg_color,
Vector3ub bg_color = red_color,
double size = 3.0,
const std::string & layer_id = "markers",
double opacity = 1.0

Sets the pixel at coordinates(u,v) to color while setting the neighborhood to another.

[in] uv the u/x, v/y coordinate of the pixels to be marked
[in] fg_color the pixel color
[in] bg_color the neighborhood color
[in] size edge of the square surrounding each pixel
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "markers")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


static void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::MouseCallback ( vtkObject * ,
unsigned long eid,
void * clientdata,
void * calldata

registerKeyboardCallback() [1/3]

boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerKeyboardCallback ( std::function< void(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &)> cb )

Register a callback std::function for keyboard events.

[in] cb the boost function that will be registered as a callback for a keyboard event
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

registerKeyboardCallback() [2/3]

boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerKeyboardCallback ( void(*)(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &, void *) callback,
void * cookie = nullptr

Register a callback function for keyboard events.

[in] callback the function that will be registered as a callback for a keyboard event
[in] cookie user data that is passed to the callback
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

Definition at line 483 of file image_viewer.h.

registerKeyboardCallback() [3/3]

template<typename T >
boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerKeyboardCallback ( void(T::*)(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent &, void *) callback,
T & instance,
void * cookie = nullptr

Register a callback function for keyboard events.

[in] callback the member function that will be registered as a callback for a keyboard event
[in] instance instance to the class that implements the callback function
[in] cookie user data that is passed to the callback
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

Definition at line 496 of file image_viewer.h.

registerMouseCallback() [1/3]

boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerMouseCallback ( std::function< void(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &)> cb )

Register a callback function for mouse events.

[in] cb the boost function that will be registered as a callback for a mouse event
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

registerMouseCallback() [2/3]

boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerMouseCallback ( void(*)(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &, void *) callback,
void * cookie = nullptr

Register a callback std::function for mouse events.

[in] callback the function that will be registered as a callback for a mouse event
[in] cookie user data that is passed to the callback
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

Definition at line 515 of file image_viewer.h.

registerMouseCallback() [3/3]

template<typename T >
boost::signals2::connection pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::registerMouseCallback ( void(T::*)(const pcl::visualization::MouseEvent &, void *) callback,
T & instance,
void * cookie = nullptr

Register a callback function for mouse events.

[in] callback the member function that will be registered as a callback for a mouse event
[in] instance instance to the class that implements the callback function
[in] cookie user data that is passed to the callback
a connection object that allows to disconnect the callback function.

Definition at line 528 of file image_viewer.h.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::removeLayer ( const std::string & layer_id )

Remove a 2D layer given by its ID.

[in] layer_id the name of the layer


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::render ( )

Trigger a render call.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::resetStoppedFlag ( )

Set the stopped flag back to false.

Definition at line 900 of file image_viewer.h.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::setInteractorStyle ( vtkInteractorObserver * style )

Set up the interactor style.

By default the interactor style is set to vtkInteractorStyleImage you can use this to set it to another type.

[in] style user set interactor style.

Definition at line 137 of file image_viewer.h.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::setPosition ( int x,
int y

Set the position in screen coordinates.

[in] x where to move the window to (X)
[in] y where to move the window to (Y)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::setSize ( int xw,
int yw

Set the window size in screen coordinates.

[in] xw window size in horizontal (pixels)
[in] yw window size in vertical (pixels)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::setWindowTitle ( const std::string & name )

Set the window title name.

[in] name the window title


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showAngleImage ( const float * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "angle_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image on screen representing angle data.

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


template<typename PointT >
bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showCorrespondences ( const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > & source_img,
const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > & target_img,
const pcl::Correspondences & correspondences,
int nth = 1,
const std::string & layer_id = "correspondences"

Add the specified correspondences to the display.

[in] source_img The source RGB image
[in] target_img The target RGB image
[in] correspondences The list of correspondences to display.
[in] nth display only the Nth correspondence (e.g., skip the rest)
[in] layer_id the layer id (default: "correspondences")

Definition at line 352 of file image_viewer.hpp.

References pcl::visualization::getRandomColors(), pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::height, and pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::width.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showFloatImage ( const float * data,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
float min_value = std::numeric_limits< float >::min(),
float max_value = std::numeric_limits< float >::max(),
bool grayscale = false,
const std::string & layer_id = "float_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image (float) on screen.

[in] data the input data representing the image in float format
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] min_value filter all values in the image to be larger than this minimum value
[in] max_value filter all values in the image to be smaller than this maximum value
[in] grayscale show data as grayscale (true) or not (false). Default: false
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showHalfAngleImage ( const float * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "half_angle_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image on screen representing half angle data.

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

showMonoImage() [1/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a monochrome 2D image on screen.

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

showMonoImage() [2/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a monochrome 2D image on screen.

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 170 of file image_viewer.h.

showMonoImage() [3/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a monochrome 2D image on screen.

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

showMonoImage() [4/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showMonoImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::Intensity8u >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a monochrome 2D image on screen.

[in] cloud the input data representing the grayscale point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 212 of file image_viewer.h.

showMonoImage() [5/5]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showMonoImage ( const unsigned char * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "mono_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a monochrome 2D image on screen.

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

showRGBImage() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showRGBImage ( const pcl::PointCloud< T > & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image on screen, obtained from the RGB channel of a point cloud.

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 87 of file image_viewer.hpp.

showRGBImage() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showRGBImage ( const typename pcl::PointCloud< T >::ConstPtr & cloud,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image on screen, obtained from the RGB channel of a point cloud.

[in] cloud the input data representing the RGB point cloud
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)

Definition at line 278 of file image_viewer.h.

showRGBImage() [3/3]

void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showRGBImage ( const unsigned char * data,
unsigned width,
unsigned height,
const std::string & layer_id = "rgb_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D RGB image on screen.

[in] data the input data representing the image
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showShortImage ( const unsigned short * short_image,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
unsigned short min_value = std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::min(),
unsigned short max_value = std::numeric_limits< unsigned short >::max(),
bool grayscale = false,
const std::string & layer_id = "short_image",
double opacity = 1.0

Show a 2D image (unsigned short) on screen.

[in] short_image the input data representing the image in unsigned short format
[in] width the width of the image
[in] height the height of the image
[in] min_value filter all values in the image to be larger than this minimum value
[in] max_value filter all values in the image to be smaller than this maximum value
[in] grayscale show data as grayscale (true) or not (false). Default: false
[in] layer_id the name of the layer (default: "image")
[in] opacity the opacity of the layer (default: 1.0)


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::spin ( )

Spin method.

Calls the interactor and runs an internal loop.


void pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::spinOnce ( int time = 1,
bool force_redraw = true

Spin once method.

Calls the interactor and updates the screen once.

[in] time - How long (in ms) should the visualization loop be allowed to run.
[in] force_redraw - if false it might return without doing anything if the interactor's framerate does not require a redraw yet.


bool pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::wasStopped ( ) const

Returns true when the user tried to close the window.

Definition at line 561 of file image_viewer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

© 2009–2012, Willow Garage, Inc.
© 2012–, Open Perception, Inc.
Licensed under the BSD License.