Main test framework actor that organises tests, collates information and prints results.
actor tag PonyTest
Create a PonyTest object and use it to run the tests from the given TestList
new tag create( env: Env val, list: TestList tag) : PonyTest tag^
Run the given test, subject to our filters and options.
be apply( test: UnitTest iso)
A test has started running, update status info. The id parameter is the test identifier handed out when we created the test helper.
be _test_started( id: USize val)
A test has completed, restore its result and update our status info. The id parameter is the test identifier handed out when we created the test helper.
be _test_complete( id: USize val, pass: Bool val, log: Array[String val] val)
All our tests have been handed to apply(), setup for finishing
be _all_tests_applied()
Find the group to use for the given group name, subject to the --sequential flag.
fun ref _find_group( group_name: String val) : _Group tag
Process our command line options. All command line arguments given must be recognised and make sense. State for specified options is stored in object fields. We don't use the options package because we aren't already dependencies.
fun ref _process_opts() : None val
The tests are all complete, print out the results.
fun box _print_report() : None val
Return a "s" or an empty string depending on whether the given number is 1. For use when printing possibly plural words, eg "test" or "tests".
fun box _plural( n: USize val) : String val
© 2016-2018, The Pony Developers
© 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.
Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.