

FrustumCamera QML Type

Defines a PerspectiveCamera with a custom frustum. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D



Detailed Description

A Camera defines how the content of the 3D scene is projected onto a 2D surface, such as a View3D. A scene needs at least one Camera in order to visualize its contents.

It is possible to position and rotate the Camera like any other spatial Node in the scene. The Node's location and orientation determines where the Camera is in the scene, and what direction it is facing. The default orientation of the Camera has its forward vector pointing along the negative Z axis and its up vector along the positive Y axis.

The FrustumCamera type provides a PerspectiveCamera where the frustum bounds can be customized. This can be useful for creating asymmetrical frustums.

The following example creates a FrustumCamera at position [0, 200, 300] in the scene, with a 30 degree downward pitch, and where the intersection of the frustum and the near plane is given by the rectangle that has a bottom left corner at [-5, -5], and a top right corner at [5, 5].

FrustumCamera {
    position: Qt.vector3d(0, 200, 300)
    eulerRotation.x: -30
    top: 5
    bottom: -5
    left: -5
    right: 5

See also PerspectiveCamera, OrthographicCamera, and CustomCamera.

Property Documentation

bottom : real

This property defines the bottom of the frustum on the near plane, relative to its center.

left : real

This property defines the left side of the frustum on the near plane, relative to its center.

right : real

This property defines the right side of the frustum on the near plane, relative to its center.

top : real

This property defines the top of the frustum on the near plane, relative to its center.

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