

vector2d QML Basic Type

A vector2d type has x and y attributes, otherwise it is similar to the vector3d type. Please see the documentation about the vector3d type for more information.

To create a vector2d value, specify it as a "x,y" string, or define the components individually, or compose it with the Qt.vector2d() function.

The vector2d type has the following idempotent functions which can be invoked in QML:

Function Signature Description Example
real dotProduct(vector2d other) Returns the scalar real result of the dot product of this vector2d with the other vector2d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = Qt.vector2d(3,4);
var c = a.dotProduct(b);
console.log(c); // 11
vector2d times(vector2d other) Returns the vector2d result of multiplying this vector2d with the other vector2d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = Qt.vector2d(3,4);
var c = a.times(b);
console.log(c.toString()); // QVector2D(3, 8)
vector2d times(real factor) Returns the vector2d result of multiplying this vector2d with the scalar factor
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = 4.48;
var c = a.times(b);
console.log(c.toString()); // QVector2D(4.48, 8.96)
vector2d plus(vector2d other) Returns the vector2d result of the addition of this vector2d with the other vector2d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = Qt.vector2d(3,4);
var c = a.plus(b);
console.log(c.toString()); // QVector2D(4, 6)
vector2d minus(vector2d other) Returns the vector2d result of the subtraction of other vector2d from this vector2d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = Qt.vector2d(3,4);
var c = a.minus(b);
console.log(c.toString()); // QVector2D(-2, -2)
vector2d normalized() Returns the normalized form of this vector
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = a.normalized();
console.log(b.toString()); // QVector2D(0.447214, 0.894427)
real length() Returns the scalar real value of the length of this vector2d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = a.length();
console.log(b.toString()); // 2.23606797749979
vector3d toVector3d() Returns the vector3d result of converting this vector2d to a vector3d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = a.toVector3d();
console.log(b.toString()); // QVector3D(1, 2, 0)
vector4d toVector4d() Returns the vector4d result of converting this vector2d to a vector4d
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = a.toVector4d();
console.log(b.toString()); // QVector4D(1, 2, 0, 0)
bool fuzzyEquals(vector2d other, real epsilon) Returns true if this vector2d is approximately equal to the other vector2d. The approximation will be true if each attribute of this is within epsilon of other. Note that epsilon is an optional argument, the default epsilon is 0.00001.
var a = Qt.vector2d(1,2);
var b = Qt.vector2d(1.0001, 1.9998);
var c = a.fuzzyEquals(b);        // default epsilon
var d = a.fuzzyEquals(b, 0.005); // supplied epsilon
console.log(c + " " + d); // false true

This basic type is provided by the QtQuick import.

See also QML Basic Types.

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