
/Qt 5.15

MapPolygonObject QML Type

The MapPolygonObject displays a polygon on a Map. More...

Import Statement: import Qt.labs.location 1.0


Detailed Description

The MapPolygonObject displays a polygon on a Map. The MapPolygonObject type only makes sense when contained in a Map or in a MapObjectView.

Property Documentation

border.color : color

This property is part of the border property group. The border property group holds the width and color used to draw the border.

The width is in pixels and is independent of the zoom level of the map. The default values correspond to a black border with a width of 1 pixel.

For no border, use a width of 0 or a transparent color.

color : color

This property holds the fill color of the polygon when drawn. For no fill, use a transparent color.

path : VariantList

This property holds the ordered list of coordinates which define the polygon border.

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