WhereChain objects act as placeholder for queries in which where does not have any parameter. In this case, where must be chained with not to return a new relation.
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb, line 20 def initialize(scope) @scope = scope end
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb, line 44 def not(opts, *rest) opts = sanitize_forbidden_attributes(opts) where_clause = @scope.send(:where_clause_factory).build(opts, rest) @scope.references!(PredicateBuilder.references(opts)) if Hash === opts if not_behaves_as_nor?(opts) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<~MSG.squish) NOT conditions will no longer behave as NOR in Rails 6.1. To continue using NOR conditions, NOT each conditions manually (`#{ opts.keys.map { |key| ".where.not(#{key.inspect} => ...)" }.join }`). MSG @scope.where_clause += where_clause.invert(:nor) else @scope.where_clause += where_clause.invert end @scope end
Returns a new relation expressing WHERE + NOT condition according to the conditions in the arguments.
not accepts conditions as a string, array, or hash. See ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#where for more details on each format.
User.where.not("name = 'Jon'") # SELECT * FROM users WHERE NOT (name = 'Jon') User.where.not(["name = ?", "Jon"]) # SELECT * FROM users WHERE NOT (name = 'Jon') User.where.not(name: "Jon") # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name != 'Jon' User.where.not(name: nil) # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IS NOT NULL User.where.not(name: %w(Ko1 Nobu)) # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name NOT IN ('Ko1', 'Nobu')
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