# File actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/atom_feed_helper.rb, line 98 def atom_feed(options = {}, &block) if options[:schema_date] options[:schema_date] = options[:schema_date].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if options[:schema_date].respond_to?(:strftime) else options[:schema_date] = "2005" # The Atom spec copyright date end xml = options.delete(:xml) || eval("xml", block.binding) xml.instruct! if options[:instruct] options[:instruct].each do |target, attrs| if attrs.respond_to?(:keys) xml.instruct!(target, attrs) elsif attrs.respond_to?(:each) attrs.each { |attr_group| xml.instruct!(target, attr_group) } end end end feed_opts = { "xml:lang" => options[:language] || "en-US", "xmlns" => "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" } feed_opts.merge!(options).select! { |k, _| k.start_with?("xml") } xml.feed(feed_opts) do xml.id(options[:id] || "tag:#{request.host},#{options[:schema_date]}:#{request.fullpath.split(".")[0]}") xml.link(rel: "alternate", type: "text/html", href: options[:root_url] || (request.protocol + request.host_with_port)) xml.link(rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml", href: options[:url] || request.url) yield AtomFeedBuilder.new(xml, self, options) end end
Adds easy defaults to writing Atom feeds with the Builder template engine (this does not work on ERB
or any other template languages).
Full usage example:
config/routes.rb: Rails.application.routes.draw do resources :posts root to: "posts#index" end app/controllers/posts_controller.rb: class PostsController < ApplicationController # GET /posts.html # GET /posts.atom def index @posts = Post.all respond_to do |format| format.html format.atom end end end app/views/posts/index.atom.builder: atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@posts[0].created_at) if @posts.length > 0 @posts.each do |post| feed.entry(post) do |entry| entry.title(post.title) entry.content(post.body, type: 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end
The options for atom_feed
: Defaults to “en-US”.
: The HTML alternative that this feed is doubling for. Defaults to / on the current host.
: The URL for this feed. Defaults to the current URL.
: The id for this feed. Defaults to “tag:localhost,2005:/posts”, in this case.
: The date at which the tag scheme for the feed was first used. A good default is the year you created the feed. See feedvalidator.org/docs/error/InvalidTAG.html for more information. If not specified, 2005 is used (as an “I don't care” value).
: Hash
of XML processing instructions in the form {target => {attribute => value, }} or {target => [{attribute => value, }, ]}
Other namespaces can be added to the root element:
app/views/posts/index.atom.builder: atom_feed({'xmlns:app' => 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app', 'xmlns:openSearch' => 'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'}) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated((@posts.first.created_at)) feed.tag!('openSearch:totalResults', 10) @posts.each do |post| feed.entry(post) do |entry| entry.title(post.title) entry.content(post.body, type: 'html') entry.tag!('app:edited', Time.now) entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end
The Atom spec defines five elements (content rights title subtitle summary) which may directly contain xhtml content if type: 'xhtml' is specified as an attribute. If so, this helper will take care of the enclosing div and xhtml namespace declaration. Example usage:
entry.summary type: 'xhtml' do |xhtml| xhtml.p pluralize(order.line_items.count, "line item") xhtml.p "Shipped to #{order.address}" xhtml.p "Paid by #{order.pay_type}" end
yields an AtomFeedBuilder
instance. Nested elements yield an AtomBuilder
© 2004–2021 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.