
/Ruby 3

class OpenSSL::Timestamp::Response


Immutable and read-only representation of a timestamp response returned from a timestamp server after receiving an associated Request. Allows access to specific information about the response but also allows to verify the Response.



Indicates a successful response. Equal to 0.


Indicates a successful response that probably contains modifications from the initial request. Equal to 1.


Indicates a failure. No timestamp token was created. Equal to 2.


Indicates a failure. No timestamp token was created. A certificate has been revoked. Equal to 5.


Indicates a failure. No timestamp token was created. Revocation of a certificate is imminent. Equal to 4.


Indicates a failure. No timestamp token was created. Equal to 3.

Public Class Methods

OpenSSL::Timestamp::Response.new(file) → response Show source
OpenSSL::Timestamp::Response.new(string) → response
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE der)
    TS_RESP *ts_resp = DATA_PTR(self);
    BIO *in;

    der = ossl_to_der_if_possible(der);
    in  = ossl_obj2bio(&der);
    ts_resp = d2i_TS_RESP_bio(in, &ts_resp);
    if (!ts_resp)
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "Error when decoding the timestamp response");
    DATA_PTR(self) = ts_resp;

    return self;

Creates a Response from a File or string parameter, the corresponding File or string must be DER-encoded. Please note that Response is an immutable read-only class. If you'd like to create timestamps please refer to Factory instead.

Public Instance Methods

failure_info → nil or symbol Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_failure_info(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;

    /* The ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit changed from 1.0.0. to 1.1.0, making this
     * const. */
    const ASN1_BIT_STRING *fi;
    ASN1_BIT_STRING *fi;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    si = TS_RESP_get_status_info(resp);
    fi = TS_STATUS_INFO_get0_failure_info(si);
    if (!fi)
        return Qnil;
    if (ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit(fi, TS_INFO_BAD_ALG))
        return sBAD_ALG;
    if (ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit(fi, TS_INFO_BAD_REQUEST))
        return sBAD_REQUEST;
        return sBAD_DATA_FORMAT;
        return sTIME_NOT_AVAILABLE;
        return sUNACCEPTED_POLICY;
        return sADD_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE;
        return sSYSTEM_FAILURE;

    ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "Unrecognized failure info.");

In cases no timestamp token has been created, this field contains further info about the reason why response creation failed. The method returns either nil (the request was successful and a timestamp token was created) or one of the following:

  • :BAD_ALG - Indicates that the timestamp server rejects the message imprint algorithm used in the Request

  • :BAD_REQUEST - Indicates that the timestamp server was not able to process the Request properly

  • :BAD_DATA_FORMAT - Indicates that the timestamp server was not able to parse certain data in the Request

  • :TIME_NOT_AVAILABLE - Indicates that the server could not access its time source

  • :UNACCEPTED_POLICY - Indicates that the requested policy identifier is not recognized or supported by the timestamp server

  • :UNACCEPTED_EXTENSIION - Indicates that an extension in the Request is not supported by the timestamp server

  • :ADD_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE -Indicates that additional information requested is either not understood or currently not available

  • :SYSTEM_FAILURE - Timestamp creation failed due to an internal error that occurred on the timestamp server

status → BN (never nil) Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_status(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;
    const ASN1_INTEGER *st;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    si = TS_RESP_get_status_info(resp);
    st = TS_STATUS_INFO_get0_status(si);

    return asn1integer_to_num(st);

Returns one of GRANTED, GRANTED_WITH_MODS, REJECTION, WAITING, REVOCATION_WARNING or REVOCATION_NOTIFICATION. A timestamp token has been created only in case status is equal to GRANTED or GRANTED_WITH_MODS.

status_text → Array of strings or nil Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_status_text(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;
    const STACK_OF(ASN1_UTF8STRING) *text;
    ASN1_UTF8STRING *current;
    int i;
    VALUE ret = rb_ary_new();

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    si = TS_RESP_get_status_info(resp);
    if ((text = TS_STATUS_INFO_get0_text(si))) {
        for (i = 0; i < sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_num(text); i++) {
            current = sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_value(text, i);
            rb_ary_push(ret, asn1str_to_str(current));

    return ret;

In cases of failure this field may contain an array of strings further describing the origin of the failure.

to_der → string Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_to_der(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    return asn1_to_der((void *)resp, (int (*)(void *, unsigned char **))i2d_TS_RESP);

Returns the Response in DER-encoded form.

token → nil or OpenSSL::PKCS7 Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_token(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;
    PKCS7 *p7, *copy;
    VALUE obj;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    if (!(p7 = TS_RESP_get_token(resp)))
        return Qnil;

    obj = NewPKCS7(cPKCS7);

    if (!(copy = PKCS7_dup(p7)))
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, NULL);

    SetPKCS7(obj, copy);

    return obj;

If a timestamp token is present, this returns it in the form of a OpenSSL::PKCS7.

token_info → nil or OpenSSL::Timestamp::TokenInfo Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_token_info(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;
    TS_TST_INFO *info, *copy;
    VALUE obj;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    if (!(info = TS_RESP_get_tst_info(resp)))
        return Qnil;

    obj = NewTSTokenInfo(cTimestampTokenInfo);

    if (!(copy = TS_TST_INFO_dup(info)))
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, NULL);

    SetTSTokenInfo(obj, copy);

    return obj;

Get the response's token info if present.

tsa_certificate → OpenSSL::X509::Certificate or nil Show source
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_get_tsa_certificate(VALUE self)
    TS_RESP *resp;
    PKCS7 *p7;
    PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO *ts_info;
    X509 *cert;

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    if (!(p7 = TS_RESP_get_token(resp)))
        return Qnil;
    ts_info = sk_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_value(p7->d.sign->signer_info, 0);
    cert = PKCS7_cert_from_signer_info(p7, ts_info);
    if (!cert)
        return Qnil;
    return ossl_x509_new(cert);

If the Request specified to request the TSA certificate (Request#cert_requested = true), then this field contains the certificate of the timestamp authority.

verify(Request, root_store) → Response Show source
verify(Request, root_store, [intermediate_cert]) → Response
static VALUE
ossl_ts_resp_verify(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE ts_req, store, intermediates;
    TS_RESP *resp;
    TS_REQ *req;
    X509_STORE *x509st;
    TS_VERIFY_CTX *ctx;
    STACK_OF(X509) *x509inter = NULL;
    PKCS7* p7;
    X509 *cert;
    int status, i, ok;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &ts_req, &store, &intermediates);

    GetTSResponse(self, resp);
    GetTSRequest(ts_req, req);
    x509st = GetX509StorePtr(store);

    if (!(ctx = TS_REQ_to_TS_VERIFY_CTX(req, NULL))) {
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "Error when creating the verification context.");

    if (!NIL_P(intermediates)) {
        x509inter = ossl_protect_x509_ary2sk(intermediates, &status);
        if (status) {
    } else if (!(x509inter = sk_X509_new_null())) {
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "sk_X509_new_null");

    if (!(p7 = TS_RESP_get_token(resp))) {
        sk_X509_pop_free(x509inter, X509_free);
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "TS_RESP_get_token");
    for (i=0; i < sk_X509_num(p7->d.sign->cert); i++) {
        cert = sk_X509_value(p7->d.sign->cert, i);
        if (!sk_X509_push(x509inter, cert)) {
            sk_X509_pop_free(x509inter, X509_free);
            ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "sk_X509_push");

    TS_VERIFY_CTS_set_certs(ctx, x509inter);
    TS_VERIFY_CTX_add_flags(ctx, TS_VFY_SIGNATURE);
    TS_VERIFY_CTX_set_store(ctx, x509st);

    ok = TS_RESP_verify_response(ctx, resp);

     *   X509_STORE can count references, but X509_STORE_free() doesn't check
     *   this. To prevent our X509_STORE from being freed with our
     *   TS_VERIFY_CTX we set the store to NULL first.
     *   Fixed in OpenSSL 1.0.2; bff9ce4db38b (master), 5b4b9ce976fc (1.0.2)
    TS_VERIFY_CTX_set_store(ctx, NULL);

    if (!ok)
        ossl_raise(eTimestampError, "TS_RESP_verify_response");

    return self;

Verifies a timestamp token by checking the signature, validating the certificate chain implied by tsa_certificate and by checking conformance to a given Request. Mandatory parameters are the Request associated to this Response, and an OpenSSL::X509::Store of trusted roots.

Intermediate certificates can optionally be supplied for creating the certificate chain. These intermediate certificates must all be instances of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.

If validation fails, several kinds of exceptions can be raised:

  • TypeError if types don't fit

  • TimestampError if something is wrong with the timestamp token itself, if it is not conformant to the Request, or if validation of the timestamp certificate chain fails.

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