
/Ruby 3

class SOCKSSocket


SOCKS is an Internet protocol that routes packets between a client and a server through a proxy server. SOCKS5, if supported, additionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server.

Public Class Methods

new(host, port) → socket Show source
static VALUE
socks_init(VALUE sock, VALUE host, VALUE port)
    static int init = 0;

    if (init == 0) {
        init = 1;

    return rsock_init_inetsock(sock, host, port, Qnil, Qnil, INET_SOCKS, Qnil);

Opens a SOCKS connection to host via the SOCKS server.

The SOCKS server configuration varies by implementation

When using the Dante libsocks/libsocksd implementation it is configured as SOCKS_SERVER env var.

See: manpages.debian.org/testing/dante-client/socksify.1.en.html for full env variable support.

new(host, serv) Show source
# File lib/resolv-replace.rb, line 73
def initialize(host, serv)
  original_resolv_initialize(IPSocket.getaddress(host), port)

Public Instance Methods

close() Show source
static VALUE
socks_s_close(VALUE sock)
    rb_io_t *fptr;

    GetOpenFile(sock, fptr);
    shutdown(fptr->fd, 2);
    return rb_io_close(sock);

Closes the SOCKS connection.

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