A partial representation of the options passed to render or renderSync.
The same LegacyPluginThis instance that contains this object.
The value passed to LegacyStringOptions.data.
The value passed to LegacyFileOptions.file or LegacyStringOptions.file.
The value passed to LegacySharedOptions.includePaths separated by ";"
on Windows or ":"
on other operating systems. This always includes the current working directory as the first entry.
1 if LegacySharedOptions.indentType was "tab"
, 0 otherwise.
The value passed to LegacySharedOptions.indentWidth, or 2
The value passed to LegacySharedOptions.linefeed, or "\n"
Always the number 10.
A partially-constructed LegacyResult object.
Partial information about the compilation in progress.
LegacyFileOptions.file if it was passed, otherwise the string "data"
The number of milliseconds between 1 January 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC and the time at which Sass compilation began.
Always the number 1.
© 2006–2022 the Sass team, and numerous contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.
The value of
in the context of a LegacyImporter or LegacyFunction callback.This is only used by the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.