
/Symfony 4.1



AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass Sets the classes to compile in the cache for the container.
ConfigurableExtension This extension sub-class provides first-class integration with the Config/Definition Component.
ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass Gathers and configures the argument value resolvers.
Extension Allow adding classes to the class cache.
FragmentRendererPass Adds services tagged kernel.fragment_renderer as HTTP content rendering strategies.
LazyLoadingFragmentHandler Lazily loads fragment renderers from the dependency injection container.
LoggerPass Registers the default logger if necessary.
MergeExtensionConfigurationPass Ensures certain extensions are always loaded.
RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass Creates the service-locators required by ServiceValueResolver.
RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass Removes empty service-locators registered for ServiceValueResolver.
ServicesResetter Resets provided services.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.