- tk::mac — Access Mac-Specific Functionality on OS X from Tk
::tk::mac::OpenDocument file...
::tk::mac::PrintDocument file...
::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics boolean
::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit limit
::tk::mac::antialiasedtext number
::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel boolean
::tk::mac::iconBitmap name width height -kind value
tk::mac — Access Mac-Specific Functionality on OS X from Tk
::tk::mac::ShowPreferences ::tk::mac::OpenApplication ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication ::tk::mac::OpenDocument file... ::tk::mac::PrintDocument file... ::tk::mac::Quit ::tk::mac::OnHide ::tk::mac::OnShow ::tk::mac::ShowHelp ::tk::mac::standardAboutPanel ::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics boolean ::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit limit ::tk::mac::antialiasedtext number ::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel boolean ::tk::mac::iconBitmap name width height -kind value Event handler callbacks
The Aqua/Mac OS X application environment defines a number of additional events that applications should respond to. These events are mapped by Tk to calls to commands in the
::tk::mac namespace; unless otherwise noted, if the command is absent, no action will be taken.
- ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences
- The default Apple Event handler for kAEShowPreferences, “pref”. The application menu “Preferences” menu item is only enabled when this proc is defined. Typically this command is used to wrap a specific own preferences command, which pops up a preferences window. Something like:
proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} {
- ::tk::mac::OpenApplication
- If a proc of this name is defined, this proc fill fire when your application is intially opened. It is the default Apple Event handler for kAEOpenApplication, “oapp”.
- ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication
- If a proc of this name is defined it is the default Apple Event handler for kAEReopenApplication, “rapp”, the Apple Event sent when your application is opened when it is already running (e.g. by clicking its icon in the Dock). Here is a sample that raises a minimized window when the Dock icon is clicked:
proc ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication {} {
if {[wm state .] eq "withdrawn"} {
wm state . normal
} else {
wm deiconify .
raise .
::tk::mac::OpenDocument file...
- If a proc of this name is defined it is the default Apple Event handler for kAEOpenDocuments, “odoc”, the Apple Event sent when your application is asked to open one or more documents (e.g., by drag & drop onto the app or by opening a document of a type associated to the app). The proc should take as arguments paths to the files to be opened, like so:
proc ::tk::mac::OpenDocument {args} {
foreach f $args {my_open_document $f}
::tk::mac::PrintDocument file...
- If a proc of this name is defined it is the default Apple Event handler for kAEPrintDocuments, “pdoc”, the Apple Event sent when your application is asked to print one or more documents (e.g., via the Print menu item in the Finder). It works the same way as tk::mac::OpenDocument in terms of arguments.
- ::tk::mac::Quit
- If a proc of this name is defined it is the default Apple Event handler for kAEQuitApplication, “quit”, the Apple Event sent when your application is asked to be quit, e.g. via the quit menu item in the application menu, the quit menu item in the Dock menu, or during a logout/restart/shutdown etc. If this is not defined, exit is called instead.
- ::tk::mac::OnHide
- If defined, this is called when your application receives a kEventAppHidden event, e.g. via the hide menu item in the application or Dock menus.
- ::tk::mac::OnShow
- If defined, this is called when your application receives a kEventAppShown event, e.g. via the show all menu item in the application menu, or by clicking the Dock icon of a hidden application.
- ::tk::mac::ShowHelp
- Customizes behavior of Apple Help menu; if this procedure is not defined, the platform-specific standard Help menu item “YourApp Help” performs the default Cocoa action of showing the Help Book configured in the application's Info.plist (or displaying an alert if no Help Book is set).
Additional dialogs
The Aqua/Mac OS X defines additional dialogs that applications should support.
- ::tk::mac::standardAboutPanel
- Brings the standard Cocoa about panel to the front, with all its information filled in from your application bundle files (standard about panel with no options specified). See Apple Technote TN2179 and the AppKit documentation for -[NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:] for details on the Info.plist keys and app bundle files used by the about panel.
System configuration
There are a number of additional global configuration options that control the details of how Tk renders by default.
::tk::mac::useCompatibilityMetrics boolean
- Preserves compatibility with older Tk/Aqua metrics; set to false for more native spacing.
::tk::mac::CGAntialiasLimit limit
- Sets the antialiasing limit; lines thinner that limit pixels will not be antialiased. Integer, set to 0 by default, making all lines be antialiased.
::tk::mac::antialiasedtext number
- Sets anti-aliased text. Controls text antialiasing, possible values for number are -1 (default, use system default for text AA), 0 (no text AA), 1 (use text AA).
::tk::mac::useThemedToplevel boolean
- Sets toplevel windows to draw with the modern grayish/ pinstripe Mac background. Equivalent to configuring the toplevel with “-background systemWindowHeaderBackground”, or to using a ttk::frame.
Support commands
::tk::mac::iconBitmap name width height -kind value
- Renders native icons and bitmaps in Tk applications (including any image file readable by NSImage). A native bitmap name is interpreted as follows (in order):
- predefined builtin 32x32 icon name (stop, caution, document, etc.)
- name, as defined by tk::mac::iconBitmap
- NSImage named image name
- NSImage url string
- 4-char OSType of IconServices icon
The width and height arguments to tk::mac::iconBitmap define the dimensions of the image to create, and -kind must be one of:
- -file
- icon of file at given path
- -fileType
- icon of given file type
- -osType
- icon of given 4-char OSType file type
- -systemType
- icon for given IconServices 4-char OSType
- -namedImage
- named NSImage for given name
- -imageFile
- image at given path
See also
wm Copyright © 2011 Kevin Walzer.
Copyright © 2011 Donal K. Fellows.