
/TensorFlow Python


Class NaturalParamsNegativeLogProbLoss

Inherits From: NegativeLogProbLoss

Defined in tensorflow/contrib/kfac/python/ops/loss_functions.py.

Base class for neg log prob losses whose inputs are 'natural' parameters.

Note that the Hessian and Fisher for natural parameters of exponential- family models are the same, hence the purpose of this class. See here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.1193

'Natural parameters' are defined for exponential-family models. See for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_family



The shape of the tensor returned by multiply_fisher_factor.


Static version of fisher_factor_inner_shape.


The shape of the tensor returned by multiply_hessian_factor.


Static version of hessian_factor_inner_shape.


The inputs to the loss function (excluding the targets).


Parameters to the underlying distribution.


The targets being predicted by the model.


None or Tensor of appropriate shape for calling self._evaluate() on.




Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Evaluate the loss function on the targets.



Evaluates the log probability on a random sample.


  • seed: int or None. Random seed for this draw from the distribution.


Log probability of sampled targets, summed across examples.



Right-multiply a vector by the Fisher.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.


The vector right-multiplied by the Fisher. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a vector by a factor B of the Fisher.

Here the 'Fisher' is the Fisher information matrix (i.e. expected outer- product of gradients) with respect to the parameters of the underlying probability distribtion (whose log-prob defines the loss). Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the distribution is usually (but not always) conditionally iid across different cases.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = F where F is the Fisher, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be of the shape given by the 'fisher_factor_inner_shape' property.


The vector right-multiplied by B. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a replicated-one-hot vector by a factor B of the Fisher.

Here the 'Fisher' is the Fisher information matrix (i.e. expected outer- product of gradients) with respect to the parameters of the underlying probability distribtion (whose log-prob defines the loss). Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the distribution is usually (but not always) conditionally iid across different cases.

A 'replicated-one-hot' vector means a tensor which, for each slice along the batch dimension (assumed to be dimension 0), is 1.0 in the entry corresponding to the given index and 0 elsewhere.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = H where H is the Fisher, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • index: A tuple representing in the index of the entry in each slice that is 1.0. Note that len(index) must be equal to the number of elements of the 'fisher_factor_inner_shape' tensor minus one.


The vector right-multiplied by B. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a vector by the transpose of a factor B of the Fisher.

Here the 'Fisher' is the Fisher information matrix (i.e. expected outer- product of gradients) with respect to the parameters of the underlying probability distribtion (whose log-prob defines the loss). Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the distribution is usually (but not always) conditionally iid across different cases.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = F where F is the Fisher, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.


The vector right-multiplied by B^T. Will be of the shape given by the 'fisher_factor_inner_shape' property.



Right-multiply a vector by the Hessian.

Here the 'Hessian' is the Hessian matrix (i.e. matrix of 2nd-derivatives) of the loss function with respect to its inputs.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.


The vector right-multiplied by the Hessian. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a vector by a factor B of the Hessian.

Here the 'Hessian' is the Hessian matrix (i.e. matrix of 2nd-derivatives) of the loss function with respect to its inputs. Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the loss function is typically summed across cases.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = H where H is the Hessian, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be of the shape given by the 'hessian_factor_inner_shape' property.


The vector right-multiplied by B. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a replicated-one-hot vector by a factor B of the Hessian.

Here the 'Hessian' is the Hessian matrix (i.e. matrix of 2nd-derivatives) of the loss function with respect to its inputs. Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the loss function is typically summed across cases.

A 'replicated-one-hot' vector means a tensor which, for each slice along the batch dimension (assumed to be dimension 0), is 1.0 in the entry corresponding to the given index and 0 elsewhere.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = H where H is the Hessian, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • index: A tuple representing in the index of the entry in each slice that is 1.0. Note that len(index) must be equal to the number of elements of the 'hessian_factor_inner_shape' tensor minus one.


The vector right-multiplied by B^T. Will be of the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.



Right-multiply a vector by the transpose of a factor B of the Hessian.

Here the 'Hessian' is the Hessian matrix (i.e. matrix of 2nd-derivatives) of the loss function with respect to its inputs. Typically this will be block-diagonal across different cases in the batch, since the loss function is typically summed across cases.

Note that B can be any matrix satisfying B * B^T = H where H is the Hessian, but will agree with the one used in the other methods of this class.


  • vector: The vector to multiply. Must be the same shape(s) as the 'inputs' property.


The vector right-multiplied by B^T. Will be of the shape given by the 'hessian_factor_inner_shape' property.



Sample 'targets' from the underlying distribution.

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