Uses | Description |
wp-includes/link-template.php: get_avatar_data() | Retrieves default data about the avatar. |
Retrieves the avatar URL.
(mixed) (Required) The Gravatar to retrieve a URL for. Accepts a user_id, gravatar md5 hash, user email, WP_User object, WP_Post object, or WP_Comment object.
(array) (Optional) Arguments to return instead of the default arguments.
Default value: null
(string|false) The URL of the avatar on success, false on failure.
File: wp-includes/link-template.php
function get_avatar_url( $id_or_email, $args = null ) { $args = get_avatar_data( $id_or_email, $args ); return $args['url']; }
Version | Description |
4.2.0 | Introduced. |
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