Uses | Description |
wp-includes/formatting.php: esc_url() | Checks and cleans a URL. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: esc_url_raw() | Performs esc_url() for database usage. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: trailingslashit() | Appends a trailing slash. |
wp-includes/general-template.php: get_bloginfo() | Retrieves information about the current site. |
wp-includes/load.php: is_admin() | Determines whether the current request is for an administrative interface page. |
wp-includes/functions.php: remove_query_arg() | Removes an item or items from a query string. |
wp-includes/functions.php: add_query_arg() | Retrieves a modified URL query string. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: home_url() | Retrieves the URL for the current site where the front end is accessible. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: get_pagenum_link | Filters the page number link for the current request. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: user_trailingslashit() | Retrieves a trailing-slashed string if the site is set for adding trailing slashes. |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php: WP_Rewrite::using_index_permalinks() | Determines whether permalinks are being used and rewrite module is not enabled. |
wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php: WP_Rewrite::using_permalinks() | Determines whether permalinks are being used. |