Uses | Description |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_user_ip | Filters the comment author’s IP address before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_user_id | Filters the comment author’s user ID before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_user_agent | Filters the comment author’s browser user agent before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_content | Filters the comment content before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_author_name | Filters the comment author’s name cookie before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_author_url | Filters the comment author’s URL cookie before it is set. |
wp-includes/comment.php: pre_comment_author_email | Filters the comment author’s email cookie before it is set. |