Uses | Description |
wp-includes/cache.php: wp_cache_get() | Retrieves the cache contents from the cache by key and group. |
wp-includes/cache.php: wp_cache_add() | Adds data to the cache, if the cache key doesn’t already exist. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: wp_basename() | i18n friendly version of basename() |
wp-includes/functions.php: wp_ext2type() | Retrieve the file type based on the extension name. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: includes_url() | Retrieves the URL to the includes directory. |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/post.php: icon_dir | Filters the icon directory path. |
wp-includes/post.php: icon_dir_uri | Filters the icon directory URI. |
wp-includes/post.php: icon_dirs | Filters the array of icon directory URIs. |
wp-includes/post.php: wp_mime_type_icon | Filters the mime type icon. |
wp-includes/post.php: wp_match_mime_types() | Check a MIME-Type against a list. |
wp-includes/post.php: get_post() | Retrieves post data given a post ID or post object. |
wp-includes/post.php: get_attached_file() | Retrieve attached file path based on attachment ID. |