Implements Angular's core functionality, low-level services, and utilities.
Defines the class infrastructure for components, view hierarchies, change detection, rendering, and event handling.
Defines the decorators that supply metadata and context for Angular constructs.
Defines infrastructure for dependency injection (DI), internationalization (i18n), and various testing and debugging facilities.
@angular/core | Implements Angular's core functionality, low-level services, and utilities. |
@angular/core/global | Exposes a set of functions in the global namespace which are useful for debugging the current state of your application. These functions are exposed via the global |
@angular/core/rxjs-interop | Includes utilities related to using the RxJS library in conjunction with Angular's signal-based reactivity system. |
@angular/core/testing | Provides infrastructure for testing Angular core functionality. |
ApplicationModule | Re-exported by |
ApplicationInitStatus | A class that reflects the state of running |
ApplicationRef | A reference to an Angular application running on a page. |
ChangeDetectorRef | Base class that provides change detection functionality. A change-detection tree collects all views that are to be checked for changes. Use the methods to add and remove views from the tree, initiate change-detection, and explicitly mark views as dirty, meaning that they have changed and need to be re-rendered. |
Compiler | Deprecated: Ivy JIT mode doesn't require accessing this symbol. See JIT API changes due to ViewEngine deprecation for additional context. Low-level service for running the angular compiler during runtime to create |
CompilerFactory | Deprecated: Ivy JIT mode doesn't require accessing this symbol. See JIT API changes due to ViewEngine deprecation for additional context. A factory for creating a Compiler |
ComponentFactory | Deprecated: Angular no longer requires Component factories. Please use other APIs where Component class can be used directly. Base class for a factory that can create a component dynamically. Instantiate a factory for a given type of component with |
ComponentFactoryResolver | Deprecated: Angular no longer requires Component factories. Please use other APIs where Component class can be used directly. A simple registry that maps |
ComponentRef | Represents a component created by a |
DebugElement | |
DebugEventListener | |
DebugNode | |
DefaultIterableDiffer | Deprecated: v4.0.0 - Should not be part of public API. |
DestroyRef |
ElementRef | A wrapper around a native element inside of a View. |
EmbeddedViewRef | Represents an Angular view in a view container. An embedded view can be referenced from a component other than the hosting component whose template defines it, or it can be defined independently by a |
EnvironmentInjector | An |
ErrorHandler | Provides a hook for centralized exception handling. |
EventEmitter | Use in components with the |
InjectionToken | Creates a token that can be used in a DI Provider. |
Injector | Concrete injectors implement this interface. Injectors are configured with providers that associate dependencies of various types with injection tokens. |
IterableDiffers | A repository of different iterable diffing strategies used by NgFor, NgClass, and others. |
KeyValueDiffers | A repository of different Map diffing strategies used by NgClass, NgStyle, and others. |
ModuleWithComponentFactories | Deprecated: Ivy JIT mode doesn't require accessing this symbol. See JIT API changes due to ViewEngine deprecation for additional context. Combination of NgModuleFactory and ComponentFactories. |
NgModuleFactory | Deprecated: This class was mostly used as a part of ViewEngine-based JIT API and is no longer needed in Ivy JIT mode. See JIT API changes due to ViewEngine deprecation for additional context. Angular provides APIs that accept NgModule classes directly (such as PlatformRef.bootstrapModule and createNgModule), consider switching to those APIs instead of using factory-based ones. |
NgModuleRef | Represents an instance of an |
NgProbeToken | A token for third-party components that can register themselves with NgProbe. |
NgZone | An injectable service for executing work inside or outside of the Angular zone. |
PlatformRef | The Angular platform is the entry point for Angular on a web page. Each page has exactly one platform. Services (such as reflection) which are common to every Angular application running on the page are bound in its scope. A page's platform is initialized implicitly when a platform is created using a platform factory such as |
Query | Base class for query metadata. |
QueryList | An unmodifiable list of items that Angular keeps up to date when the state of the application changes. |
Renderer2 | Extend this base class to implement custom rendering. By default, Angular renders a template into DOM. You can use custom rendering to intercept rendering calls, or to render to something other than DOM. |
RendererFactory2 | Creates and initializes a custom renderer that implements the |
Sanitizer | Sanitizer is used by the views to sanitize potentially dangerous values. |
SimpleChange | Represents a basic change from a previous to a new value for a single property on a directive instance. Passed as a value in a |
TemplateRef | Represents an embedded template that can be used to instantiate embedded views. To instantiate embedded views based on a template, use the |
Testability | The Testability service provides testing hooks that can be accessed from the browser. |
TestabilityRegistry | A global registry of |
TransferState | A key value store that is transferred from the application on the server side to the application on the client side. |
Type | Represents a type that a Component or other object is instances of. |
Version | Represents the version of Angular |
ViewContainerRef | Represents a container where one or more views can be attached to a component. |
ViewRef | Represents an Angular view. |
Attribute | Parameter decorator for a directive constructor that designates a host-element attribute whose value is injected as a constant string literal. |
Component | Decorator that marks a class as an Angular component and provides configuration metadata that determines how the component should be processed, instantiated, and used at runtime. |
ContentChild | Property decorator that configures a content query. |
ContentChildren | Property decorator that configures a content query. |
Directive | Decorator that marks a class as an Angular directive. You can define your own directives to attach custom behavior to elements in the DOM. |
Host | Parameter decorator on a view-provider parameter of a class constructor that tells the DI framework to resolve the view by checking injectors of child elements, and stop when reaching the host element of the current component. |
HostBinding | Decorator that marks a DOM property as a host-binding property and supplies configuration metadata. Angular automatically checks host property bindings during change detection, and if a binding changes it updates the host element of the directive. |
HostListener | Decorator that declares a DOM event to listen for, and provides a handler method to run when that event occurs. |
Inject | Parameter decorator on a dependency parameter of a class constructor that specifies a custom provider of the dependency. |
Injectable | Decorator that marks a class as available to be provided and injected as a dependency. |
Input | Decorator that marks a class field as an input property and supplies configuration metadata. The input property is bound to a DOM property in the template. During change detection, Angular automatically updates the data property with the DOM property's value. |
NgModule | Decorator that marks a class as an NgModule and supplies configuration metadata. |
Optional | Parameter decorator to be used on constructor parameters, which marks the parameter as being an optional dependency. The DI framework provides |
Output | Decorator that marks a class field as an output property and supplies configuration metadata. The DOM property bound to the output property is automatically updated during change detection. |
Pipe | Decorator that marks a class as pipe and supplies configuration metadata. |
Self | Parameter decorator to be used on constructor parameters, which tells the DI framework to start dependency resolution from the local injector. |
SkipSelf | Parameter decorator to be used on constructor parameters, which tells the DI framework to start dependency resolution from the parent injector. Resolution works upward through the injector hierarchy, so the local injector is not checked for a provider. |
ViewChild | Property decorator that configures a view query. The change detector looks for the first element or the directive matching the selector in the view DOM. If the view DOM changes, and a new child matches the selector, the property is updated. |
ViewChildren | Property decorator that configures a view query. |
asNativeElements | |
assertInInjectionContext | Asserts that the current stack frame is within an injection context and has access to |
assertPlatform | Checks that there is currently a platform that contains the given token as a provider. |
booleanAttribute | Transforms a value (typically a string) to a boolean. Intended to be used as a transform function of an input. |
computed | Create a computed |
createComponent | Creates a |
createEnvironmentInjector | Create a new environment injector. |
createNgModule | Returns a new NgModuleRef instance based on the NgModule class and parent injector provided. |
createPlatform | Creates a platform. Platforms must be created on launch using this function. |
createPlatformFactory | Creates a factory for a platform. Can be used to provide or override |
destroyPlatform | Destroys the current Angular platform and all Angular applications on the page. Destroys all modules and listeners registered with the platform. |
effect | Create a global |
enableProdMode | Disable Angular's development mode, which turns off assertions and other checks within the framework. |
forwardRef | Allows to refer to references which are not yet defined. |
getDebugNode | |
getModuleFactory | Deprecated: Use Returns the NgModuleFactory with the given id (specified using field), if it exists and has been loaded. Factories for NgModules that do not specify an |
getNgModuleById | Returns the NgModule class with the given id (specified using field), if it exists and has been loaded. Classes for NgModules that do not specify an |
getPlatform | Returns the current platform. |
importProvidersFrom | Collects providers from all NgModules and standalone components, including transitively imported ones. |
inject | Injects a token from the currently active injector.
isDevMode | Returns whether Angular is in development mode. |
isSignal | Checks if the given |
isStandalone | Checks whether a given Component, Directive or Pipe is marked as standalone. This will return false if passed anything other than a Component, Directive, or Pipe class See this guide for additional information: |
makeEnvironmentProviders | Wrap an array of |
makeStateKey | Create a |
mergeApplicationConfig | Merge multiple application configurations from left to right. |
numberAttribute | Transforms a value (typically a string) to a number. Intended to be used as a transform function of an input. |
provideZoneChangeDetection | Provides |
reflectComponentType | Creates an object that allows to retrieve component metadata. |
resolveForwardRef | Lazily retrieves the reference value from a forwardRef. |
runInInjectionContext | Runs the given function in the context of the given |
setTestabilityGetter | Set the |
signal | Create a |
untracked | Execute an arbitrary function in a non-reactive (non-tracking) context. The executed function can, optionally, return a value. |
AbstractType | Represents an abstract class |
AfterContentChecked | A lifecycle hook that is called after the default change detector has completed checking all content of a directive. It will run after the content has been checked and most of the time it's during a change detection cycle. |
AfterContentInit | A lifecycle hook that is called after Angular has fully initialized all content of a directive. It will run only once when the projected content is initialized. Define an |
AfterViewChecked | A lifecycle hook that is called after the default change detector has completed checking a component's view for changes. |
AfterViewInit | A lifecycle hook that is called after Angular has fully initialized a component's view. Define an |
ApplicationConfig | Set of config options available during the application bootstrap operation. |
BootstrapOptions | Provides additional options to the bootstrapping process. |
ChangeDetectionStrategy | The strategy that the default change detector uses to detect changes. When set, takes effect the next time change detection is triggered. |
ClassProvider | Configures the |
ClassSansProvider | Configures the |
ComponentMirror | An interface that describes the subset of component metadata that can be retrieved using the |
ConstructorProvider | Configures the |
ConstructorSansProvider | Configures the |
CreateComputedOptions | Options passed to the |
CreateEffectOptions | Options passed to the |
CreateSignalOptions | Options passed to the |
DoBootstrap | Hook for manual bootstrapping of the application instead of using |
DoCheck | A lifecycle hook that invokes a custom change-detection function for a directive, in addition to the check performed by the default change-detector. |
EffectRef | A global reactive effect, which can be manually destroyed. |
ExistingProvider | Configures the |
ExistingSansProvider | Configures the |
FactoryProvider | Configures the |
FactorySansProvider | Configures the |
ForwardRefFn | An interface that a function passed into |
GetTestability | Adapter interface for retrieving the |
InjectFlags | Deprecated: use an options object for Injection flags for DI. |
InjectOptions | Type of the options argument to |
InjectableType | A |
InjectorType | A type which has an |
IterableChangeRecord | Record representing the item change information. |
IterableChanges | An object describing the changes in the |
IterableDiffer | A strategy for tracking changes over time to an iterable. Used by |
IterableDifferFactory | Provides a factory for |
KeyValueChangeRecord | Record representing the item change information. |
KeyValueChanges | An object describing the changes in the |
KeyValueDiffer | A differ that tracks changes made to an object over time. |
KeyValueDifferFactory | Provides a factory for |
MissingTranslationStrategy | Use this enum at bootstrap as an option of
ModuleWithProviders | A wrapper around an NgModule that associates it with providers. Usage without a generic type is deprecated. |
NgZoneOptions | Used to configure event and run coalescing with |
OnChanges | A lifecycle hook that is called when any data-bound property of a directive changes. Define an |
OnDestroy | A lifecycle hook that is called when a directive, pipe, or service is destroyed. Use for any custom cleanup that needs to occur when the instance is destroyed. |
OnInit | A lifecycle hook that is called after Angular has initialized all data-bound properties of a directive. Define an |
PipeTransform | An interface that is implemented by pipes in order to perform a transformation. Angular invokes the |
Predicate | A boolean-valued function over a value, possibly including context information regarding that value's position in an array. |
RendererStyleFlags2 | Flags for renderer-specific style modifiers. |
RendererType2 | Used by |
SchemaMetadata | A schema definition associated with an NgModule. |
SecurityContext | A SecurityContext marks a location that has dangerous security implications, e.g. a DOM property like |
SimpleChanges | A hashtable of changes represented by |
StaticClassProvider | Configures the |
StaticClassSansProvider | Configures the |
TrackByFunction | A function optionally passed into the |
TypeDecorator | An interface implemented by all Angular type decorators, which allows them to be used as decorators as well as Angular syntax. |
TypeProvider | Configures the |
ValueProvider | Configures the |
ValueSansProvider | Configures the |
ViewEncapsulation | Defines the CSS styles encapsulation policies for the |
WritableSignal | A |
<ng-container> | A special element that can hold structural directives without adding new elements to the DOM. |
<ng-content> | The |
<ng-template> | Angular's |
ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE | A DI token that indicates which animations module has been loaded. |
APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER | A DI token that provides a set of callbacks to be called for every component that is bootstrapped. |
APP_ID | A DI token representing a string ID, used primarily for prefixing application attributes and CSS styles when |
APP_INITIALIZER | A DI token that you can use to provide one or more initialization functions. |
COMPILER_OPTIONS | Token to provide CompilerOptions in the platform injector. |
CSP_NONCE | Token used to configure the Content Security Policy nonce that Angular will apply when inserting inline styles. If not provided, Angular will look up its value from the |
CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA | Defines a schema that allows an NgModule to contain the following:
CompilerOptions | Options for creating a compiler. |
DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE | Provide this token to set the default currency code your application uses for CurrencyPipe when there is no currency code passed into it. This is only used by CurrencyPipe and has no relation to locale currency. Defaults to USD if not configured. |
ENVIRONMENT_INITIALIZER | A multi-provider token for initialization functions that will run upon construction of an environment injector. |
EffectCleanupFn | An effect can, optionally, register a cleanup function. If registered, the cleanup is executed before the next effect run. The cleanup function makes it possible to "cancel" any work that the previous effect run might have started. |
EnvironmentProviders | Encapsulated |
INJECTOR | An InjectionToken that gets the current |
ImportProvidersSource | A source of providers for the |
ImportedNgModuleProviders | Deprecated: replaced by Providers that were imported from NgModules via the |
InjectableProvider | Injectable providers used in |
LOCALE_ID | Provide this token to set the locale of your application. It is used for i18n extraction, by i18n pipes (DatePipe, I18nPluralPipe, CurrencyPipe, DecimalPipe and PercentPipe) and by ICU expressions. |
NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA | Defines a schema that allows any property on any element. |
NgIterable | A type describing supported iterable types. |
PACKAGE_ROOT_URL | A DI token that indicates the root directory of the application |
PLATFORM_ID | A token that indicates an opaque platform ID. |
PLATFORM_INITIALIZER | A function that is executed when a platform is initialized. |
Provider | Describes how the |
ProviderToken | Token that can be used to retrieve an instance from an injector or through a query. |
Signal | A reactive value which notifies consumers of any changes. |
StateKey | A type-safe key to use with |
StaticProvider | Describes how an |
TRANSLATIONS | Use this token at bootstrap to provide the content of your translation file ( |
TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT | Provide this token at bootstrap to set the format of your |
ValueEqualityFn | A comparison function which can determine if two values are equal. |
createNgModuleRef | Deprecated: Use The |
defineInjectable | Deprecated: in v8, delete after v10. This API should be used only by generated code, and that code should now use ɵɵdefineInjectable instead. |
platformCore | This platform has to be included in any other platform |
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