New in version 2.4.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments | |
email - | The users' E-mail address. | ||
group - | The name of the group to which the user belongs. | ||
manageiq_connection dictionary / required | ManageIQ connection configuration information. | ||
ca_cert path | The path to a CA bundle file or directory with certificates. defaults to None. aliases: ca_bundle_path | ||
password string | ManageIQ password. MIQ_PASSWORD env var if set. otherwise, required if no token is passed in. | ||
token string | ManageIQ token. MIQ_TOKEN env var if set. otherwise, required if no username or password is passed in. | ||
url string / required | ManageIQ environment url. MIQ_URL env var if set. otherwise, it is required to pass it. | ||
username string | ManageIQ username. MIQ_USERNAME env var if set. otherwise, required if no token is passed in. | ||
validate_certs boolean |
| Whether SSL certificates should be verified for HTTPS requests. defaults to True. aliases: verify_ssl | |
name - | The users' full name. | ||
password - | The users' password. | ||
state - |
| absent - user should not exist, present - user should be. | |
update_password - added in 2.5 |
| always will update passwords unconditionally. on_create will only set the password for a newly created user. | |
userid - / required | The unique userid in manageiq, often mentioned as username. |
- name: Create a new user in ManageIQ manageiq_user: userid: 'jdoe' name: 'Jane Doe' password: 'VerySecret' group: 'EvmGroup-user' email: '' manageiq_connection: url: '' username: 'admin' password: 'smartvm' validate_certs: False - name: Create a new user in ManageIQ using a token manageiq_user: userid: 'jdoe' name: 'Jane Doe' password: 'VerySecret' group: 'EvmGroup-user' email: '' manageiq_connection: url: '' token: 'sometoken' validate_certs: False - name: Delete a user in ManageIQ manageiq_user: state: 'absent' userid: 'jdoe' manageiq_connection: url: '' username: 'admin' password: 'smartvm' validate_certs: False - name: Delete a user in ManageIQ using a token manageiq_user: state: 'absent' userid: 'jdoe' manageiq_connection: url: '' token: 'sometoken' validate_certs: False - name: Update email of user in ManageIQ manageiq_user: userid: 'jdoe' email: '' manageiq_connection: url: '' username: 'admin' password: 'smartvm' validate_certs: False - name: Update email of user in ManageIQ using a token manageiq_user: userid: 'jdoe' email: '' manageiq_connection: url: '' token: 'sometoken' validate_certs: False
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© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.