New in version 2.9.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
api_token string | FlashBlade API token for admin privileged user. | |
fb_url string | FlashBlade management IP address or Hostname. | |
gather_subset list | Default: "minimum" | When supplied, this argument will define the information to be collected. Possible values for this include all, minimum, config, performance, capacity, network, subnets, lags, filesystems and snapshots. |
Python libraryPUREFB_URL
environment variables if fb_url and api_token arguments are not passed to the module directly- name: collect default set of info purefb_info: fb_url: api_token: T-55a68eb5-c785-4720-a2ca-8b03903bf641 register: blade_info - name: show default information debug: msg: "{{ blade_info['purefb_info']['default'] }}" - name: collect configuration and capacity info purefb_info: gather_subset: - config fb_url: api_token: T-55a68eb5-c785-4720-a2ca-8b03903bf641 register: blade_info - name: show config information debug: msg: "{{ blade_info['purefb_info']['config'] }}" - name: collect all info purefb_info: gather_subset: - all fb_url: api_token: T-55a68eb5-c785-4720-a2ca-8b03903bf641 register: blade_info - name: show all information debug: msg: "{{ blade_info['purefb_info'] }}"
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
purefb_info complex | always | Returns the information collected from the FlashBlade Sample: {'capacity': {'aggregate': {'data_reduction': 1.1179228, 'snapshots': 0, 'total_physical': 17519748439, 'unique': 17519748439, 'virtual': 19585726464}, 'file-system': {'data_reduction': 1.3642412, 'snapshots': 0, 'total_physical': 4748219708, 'unique': 4748219708, 'virtual': 6477716992}, 'object-store': {'data_reduction': 1.0263462, 'snapshots': 0, 'total_physical': 12771528731, 'unique': 12771528731, 'virtual': 6477716992}, 'total': 83359896948925}, 'config': {'alert_watchers': {'enabled': True, 'name': ''}, 'array_management': {'base_dn': None, 'bind_password': None, 'bind_user': None, 'enabled': False, 'name': 'management', 'services': ['management'], 'uris': []}, 'directory_service_roles': {'array_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'ops_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'readonly': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'storage_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}}, 'dns': {'domain': '', 'name': 'demo-fb-1', 'nameservers': [''], 'search': ['']}, 'nfs_directory_service': {'base_dn': None, 'bind_password': None, 'bind_user': None, 'enabled': False, 'name': 'nfs', 'services': ['nfs'], 'uris': []}, 'ntp': [''], 'smb_directory_service': {'base_dn': None, 'bind_password': None, 'bind_user': None, 'enabled': False, 'name': 'smb', 'services': ['smb'], 'uris': []}, 'smtp': {'name': 'demo-fb-1', 'relay_host': None, 'sender_domain': ''}, 'ssl_certs': {'certificate': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----', 'common_name': 'Acme Storage', 'country': 'US', 'email': None, 'intermediate_certificate': None, 'issued_by': 'Acme Storage', 'issued_to': 'Acme Storage', 'key_size': 4096, 'locality': None, 'name': 'global', 'organization': 'Acme Storage', 'organizational_unit': 'Acme Storage', 'passphrase': None, 'private_key': None, 'state': None, 'status': 'self-signed', 'valid_from': '1508433967000', 'valid_to': '2458833967000'}}, 'default': {'blades': 15, 'buckets': 7, 'filesystems': 2, 'flashblade_name': 'demo-fb-1', 'object_store_accounts': 1, 'object_store_users': 1, 'purity_version': '2.2.0', 'snapshots': 1, 'total_capacity': 83359896948925}, 'filesystems': {'k8s-pvc-d24b1357-579e-11e8-811f-ecf4bbc88f54': {'destroyed': False, 'fast_remove': False, 'hard_limit': True, 'nfs_rules': '*(rw,no_root_squash)', 'provisioned': 21474836480, 'snapshot_enabled': False}, 'z': {'destroyed': False, 'fast_remove': False, 'hard_limit': False, 'provisioned': 1073741824, 'snapshot_enabled': False}}, 'lag': {'uplink': {'lag_speed': 0, 'port_speed': 40000000000, 'ports': [{'name': 'CH1.FM1.ETH1.1'}, {'name': 'CH1.FM1.ETH1.2'}], 'status': 'healthy'}}, 'network': {'fm1.admin0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['support'], 'type': 'vip', 'vlan': 2200}, 'fm2.admin0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['support'], 'type': 'vip', 'vlan': 2200}, 'nfs1': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['data'], 'type': 'vip', 'vlan': 2200}, 'vir0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['management'], 'type': 'vip', 'vlan': 2200}}, 'performance': {'aggregate': {'bytes_per_op': 0, 'bytes_per_read': 0, 'bytes_per_write': 0, 'read_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'reads_per_sec': 0, 'usec_per_other_op': 0, 'usec_per_read_op': 0, 'usec_per_write_op': 0, 'write_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'writes_per_sec': 0}, 'http': {'bytes_per_op': 0, 'bytes_per_read': 0, 'bytes_per_write': 0, 'read_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'reads_per_sec': 0, 'usec_per_other_op': 0, 'usec_per_read_op': 0, 'usec_per_write_op': 0, 'write_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'writes_per_sec': 0}, 'nfs': {'bytes_per_op': 0, 'bytes_per_read': 0, 'bytes_per_write': 0, 'read_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'reads_per_sec': 0, 'usec_per_other_op': 0, 'usec_per_read_op': 0, 'usec_per_write_op': 0, 'write_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'writes_per_sec': 0}, 's3': {'bytes_per_op': 0, 'bytes_per_read': 0, 'bytes_per_write': 0, 'read_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'reads_per_sec': 0, 'usec_per_other_op': 0, 'usec_per_read_op': 0, 'usec_per_write_op': 0, 'write_bytes_per_sec': 0, 'writes_per_sec': 0}}, 'snapshots': {'z.188': {'destroyed': False, 'source': 'z', 'source_destroyed': False, 'suffix': '188'}}, 'subnet': {'new-mgmt': {'gateway': '', 'interfaces': [{'name': 'fm1.admin0'}, {'name': 'fm2.admin0'}, {'name': 'nfs1'}, {'name': 'vir0'}], 'lag': 'uplink', 'mtu': 1500, 'prefix': '', 'services': ['data', 'management', 'support'], 'vlan': 2200}}} |
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© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.