
/Ansible 2.9

Scaleway Guide


Scaleway is a cloud provider supported by Ansible, version 2.6 or higher via a dynamic inventory plugin and modules. Those modules are:


This guide assumes you are familiar with Ansible and how it works. If you’re not, have a look at Ansible Documentation before getting started.


The Scaleway modules and inventory script connect to the Scaleway API using Scaleway REST API. To use the modules and inventory script you’ll need a Scaleway API token. You can generate an API token via the Scaleway console here. The simplest way to authenticate yourself is to set the Scaleway API token in an environment variable:

$ export SCW_TOKEN=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444

If you’re not comfortable exporting your API token, you can pass it as a parameter to the modules using the api_token argument.

If you want to use a new SSH keypair in this tutorial, you can generate it to ./id_rsa and ./id_rsa.pub as:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./id_rsa

If you want to use an existing keypair, just copy the private and public key over to the playbook directory.

How to add an SSH key?

Connection to Scaleway Compute nodes use Secure Shell. SSH keys are stored at the account level, which means that you can re-use the same SSH key in multiple nodes. The first step to configure Scaleway compute resources is to have at least one SSH key configured.

scaleway_sshkey – Scaleway SSH keys management module is a module that manages SSH keys on your Scaleway account. You can add an SSH key to your account by including the following task in a playbook:

- name: "Add SSH key"
    ssh_pub_key: "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
    state: "present"

The ssh_pub_key parameter contains your ssh public key as a string. Here is an example inside a playbook:

# SCW_API_KEY='XXX' ansible-playbook ./test/legacy/scaleway_ssh_playbook.yml

- name: Test SSH key lifecycle on a Scaleway account
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    SCW_API_KEY: ""


    - scaleway_sshkey:
        ssh_pub_key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB...424242 developer@example.com"
        state: present
      register: result

    - assert:
          - result is success and result is changed

How to create a compute instance?

Now that we have an SSH key configured, the next step is to spin up a server! scaleway_compute – Scaleway compute management module is a module that can create, update and delete Scaleway compute instances:

- name: Create a server
    name: foobar
    state: present
    image: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
    organization: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
    region: ams1
    commercial_type: START1-S

Here are the parameter details for the example shown above:

  • name is the name of the instance (the one that will show up in your web console).
  • image is the UUID of the system image you would like to use. A list of all images is available for each availability zone.
  • organization represents the organization that your account is attached to.
  • region represents the Availability Zone which your instance is in (for this example, par1 and ams1).
  • commercial_type represents the name of the commercial offers. You can check out the Scaleway pricing page to find which instance is right for you.

Take a look at this short playbook to see a working example using scaleway_compute:

# SCW_TOKEN='XXX' ansible-playbook ./test/legacy/scaleway_compute.yml

- name: Test compute instance lifecycle on a Scaleway account
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    SCW_API_KEY: ""


    - name: Create a server
      register: server_creation_task
        name: foobar
        state: present
        image: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
        organization: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
        region: ams1
        commercial_type: START1-S
        wait: true

    - debug: var=server_creation_task

    - assert:
          - server_creation_task is success
          - server_creation_task is changed

    - name: Run it
        name: foobar
        state: running
        image: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
        organization: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
        region: ams1
        commercial_type: START1-S
        wait: true
          - web_server
      register: server_run_task

    - debug: var=server_run_task

    - assert:
          - server_run_task is success
          - server_run_task is changed

Dynamic Inventory Script

Ansible ships with scaleway – Scaleway inventory source. You can now get a complete inventory of your Scaleway resources through this plugin and filter it on different parameters (regions and tags are currently supported).

Let’s create an example! Suppose that we want to get all hosts that got the tag web_server. Create a file named scaleway_inventory.yml with the following content:

plugin: scaleway
  - ams1
  - par1
  - web_server

This inventory means that we want all hosts that got the tag web_server on the zones ams1 and par1. Once you have configured this file, you can get the information using the following command:

$ ansible-inventory --list -i scaleway_inventory.yml

The output will be:

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {
            "dd8e3ae9-0c7c-459e-bc7b-aba8bfa1bb8d": {
                "ansible_verbosity": 6,
                "arch": "x86_64",
                "commercial_type": "START1-S",
                "hostname": "foobar",
                "ipv4": "",
                "organization": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444",
                "state": "running",
                "tags": [
    "all": {
        "children": [
    "ams1": {},
    "par1": {
        "hosts": [
    "ungrouped": {},
    "web_server": {
        "hosts": [

As you can see, we get different groups of hosts. par1 and ams1 are groups based on location. web_server is a group based on a tag.

In case a filter parameter is not defined, the plugin supposes all values possible are wanted. This means that for each tag that exists on your Scaleway compute nodes, a group based on each tag will be created.

Scaleway S3 object storage

Object Storage allows you to store any kind of objects (documents, images, videos, etc.). As the Scaleway API is S3 compatible, Ansible supports it natively through the modules: s3_bucket – Manage S3 buckets in AWS, DigitalOcean, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3, aws_s3 – manage objects in S3.

You can find many examples in ./test/legacy/roles/scaleway_s3

- hosts: myserver
    scaleway_region: nl-ams
    s3_url: https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud
    # AWS_ACCESS_KEY matches your scaleway organization id available at https://cloud.scaleway.com/#/account
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
    # AWS_SECRET_KEY matches a secret token that you can retrieve at https://cloud.scaleway.com/#/credentials
    AWS_SECRET_KEY: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee
      s3_url: '{{ s3_url }}'
      region: '{{ scaleway_region }}'
   # use a fact instead of a variable, otherwise template is evaluate each time variable is used
    - set_fact:
        bucket_name: "{{ 99999999 | random | to_uuid }}"

    # "requester_pays:" is mandatory because Scaleway doesn't implement related API
    # another way is to use aws_s3 and "mode: create" !
    - s3_bucket:
        name: '{{ bucket_name }}'

    - name: Another way to create the bucket
        bucket: '{{ bucket_name }}'
        mode: create
        encrypt: false
      register: bucket_creation_check

    - name: add something in the bucket
        mode: put
        bucket: '{{ bucket_name }}'
        src: /tmp/test.txt  #  needs to be created before
        object: test.txt
        encrypt: false  # server side encryption must be disabled

© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.