

class LLVM::Context

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(unwrap : LibLLVM::ContextRef, dispose_on_finalize = true)Source

def self.newSource

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self)Source

Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def const_string(string : String) : ValueSource

def const_struct(values : Array(LLVM::Value), packed = false) : ValueSource

def double : TypeSource

def finalizeSource

def float : TypeSource

def int(bits : Int) : TypeSource

def int1 : TypeSource

def int128 : TypeSource

def int16 : TypeSource

def int32 : TypeSource

def int64 : TypeSource

def int8 : TypeSource

def md_node(values : Array(Value)) : ValueSource

def md_string(value : String) : ValueSource

def new_builder : BuilderSource

def new_module(name : String) : ModuleSource

def parse_ir(buf : MemoryBuffer)Source

def struct(name : String, packed = false, &) : TypeSource

def struct(element_types : Array(LLVM::Type), name = nil, packed = false) : TypeSource

def to_unsafe : LibLLVM::ContextRefSource

def void : TypeSource

def void_pointer : TypeSource

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