
/Web APIs


The HTMLDialogElement interface provides methods to manipulate <dialog> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLDialogElement

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.


A boolean value reflecting the open HTML attribute, indicating whether the dialog is available for interaction.


A string that sets or returns the return value for the dialog.

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent, HTMLElement.


Closes the dialog. An optional string may be passed as an argument, updating the returnValue of the dialog.


Displays the dialog modelessly, i.e. still allowing interaction with content outside of the dialog.


Displays the dialog as a modal, over the top of any other dialogs that might be present. Everything outside the dialog are inert with interactions outside the dialog being blocked.



Fired when the user dismisses the current open dialog with the escape key.


Fired when the dialog is closed, whether with the escape key, the HTMLDialogElement.close() method, or via submitting a form within the dialog with method="dialog".


Opening a modal dialog

The following example shows a button that, when clicked, opens a modal <dialog> containing a form via the HTMLDialogElement.showModal() function. While open, everything other than the modal dialog's contents is inert. From there you can click the Cancel button to close the dialog (via the HTMLDialogElement.close() function), or submit the form via the submit button. Selecting the cancel button closes the dialog, creating a close event, not a cancel event.



<!-- pop-up dialog box, containing a form -->
<dialog id="favDialog">
  <form method="dialog">
      <label for="favAnimal">Favorite animal:</label>
      <select id="favAnimal" name="favAnimal">
        <option>Brine shrimp</option>
        <option>Red panda</option>
        <option>Spider monkey</option>
      <button id="cancel" type="reset">Cancel</button>
      <button type="submit">Confirm</button>

  <button id="updateDetails">Update details</button>



const updateButton = document.getElementById("updateDetails");
const cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancel");
const dialog = document.getElementById("favDialog");
dialog.returnValue = "favAnimal";

function openCheck(dialog) {
  if (dialog.open) {
    console.log("Dialog open");
  } else {
    console.log("Dialog closed");

// Update button opens a modal dialog
updateButton.addEventListener("click", () => {

// Form cancel button closes the dialog box
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", () => {



Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet
HTMLDialogElement 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
cancel_event 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 No No 98 No 15.4 No
close 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
close_event 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
open 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
returnValue 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
show 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0
showModal 37 79 98 No 24 15.4 37 37 98 24 15.4 3.0

See also

  • The HTML element implementing this interface: <dialog>.

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