
/Web APIs


The TrustedHTML interface of the Trusted Types API represents a string that a developer can insert into an injection sink that will render it as HTML. These objects are created via TrustedTypePolicy.createHTML() and therefore have no constructor.

The value of a TrustedHTML object is set when the object is created and cannot be changed by JavaScript as there is no setter exposed.

Instance methods


Returns a JSON representation of the stored data.


A string containing the sanitized HTML.


In the below example we create a policy that will create TrustedHTML objects using TrustedTypePolicyFactory.createPolicy(). We can then use TrustedTypePolicy.createHTML to create a sanitized HTML string to be inserted into the document.

The sanitized value can then be used with Element.innerHTML to ensure that no new HTML elements can be injected.


<div id="myDiv"></div>


const escapeHTMLPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("myEscapePolicy", {
  createHTML: (string) => string.replace(/</g, "&lt;"),

let el = document.getElementById("myDiv");
const escaped = escapeHTMLPolicy.createHTML("<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>");
console.log(escaped instanceof TrustedHTML); // true
el.innerHTML = escaped;


Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet
TrustedHTML 83 83 No No 69 No 83 83 No 59 No 13.0
toJSON 90 90 No No 76 No 90 90 No 64 No 15.0
toString 83 83 No No 69 No 83 83 No 59 No 13.0

See also

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