Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
ConfigInstaller::$activeStorages | protected | property | The active configuration storages, keyed by collection. |
ConfigInstaller::$configFactory | protected | property | The configuration factory. |
ConfigInstaller::$configManager | protected | property | The configuration manager. |
ConfigInstaller::$eventDispatcher | protected | property | The event dispatcher. |
ConfigInstaller::$isSyncing | protected | property | Is configuration being created as part of a configuration sync. |
ConfigInstaller::$sourceStorage | protected | property | The configuration storage that provides the default configuration. |
ConfigInstaller::$typedConfig | protected | property | The typed configuration manager. |
ConfigInstaller::checkConfigurationToInstall | public | function | Checks the configuration that will be installed for an extension. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::checkConfigurationToInstall |
ConfigInstaller::createConfiguration | protected | function | Creates configuration in a collection based on the provided list. |
ConfigInstaller::drupalGetPath | protected | function | Wrapper for drupal_get_path(). |
ConfigInstaller::drupalGetProfile | protected | function | Gets the install profile from settings. |
ConfigInstaller::drupalInstallationAttempted | protected | function | Wrapper for drupal_installation_attempted(). |
ConfigInstaller::findDefaultConfigWithUnmetDependencies | protected | function | Finds default configuration with unmet dependencies. |
ConfigInstaller::findPreExistingConfiguration | protected | function | Finds pre-existing configuration objects for the provided extension. |
ConfigInstaller::getActiveStorages | protected | function | Gets the configuration storage that provides the active configuration. |
ConfigInstaller::getConfigToCreate | protected | function | Gets configuration data from the provided storage to create. |
ConfigInstaller::getDefaultConfigDirectory | protected | function | Gets an extension's default configuration directory. |
ConfigInstaller::getEnabledExtensions | protected | function | Gets the list of enabled extensions including both modules and themes. |
ConfigInstaller::getProfileStorages | protected | function | Gets the profile storage to use to check for profile overrides. |
ConfigInstaller::getSourceStorage | public | function | Gets the configuration storage that provides the default configuration. |
ConfigInstaller::installCollectionDefaultConfig | public | function | Installs all default configuration in the specified collection. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::installCollectionDefaultConfig |
ConfigInstaller::installDefaultConfig | public | function | Installs the default configuration of a given extension. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::installDefaultConfig |
ConfigInstaller::installOptionalConfig | public | function | Installs optional configuration. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::installOptionalConfig |
ConfigInstaller::isSyncing | public | function | Gets the syncing state. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::isSyncing |
ConfigInstaller::setSourceStorage | public | function | Sets the configuration storage that provides the default configuration. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::setSourceStorage |
ConfigInstaller::setSyncing | public | function | Sets the status of the isSyncing flag. Overrides ConfigInstallerInterface::setSyncing |
ConfigInstaller::validateDependencies | protected | function | Validates an array of config data that contains dependency information. |
ConfigInstaller::__construct | public | function | Constructs the configuration installer. |
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