
/Godot 3.2


Inherits: Popup < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

PopupMenu displays a list of options.


PopupMenu is a Control that displays a list of options. They are popular in toolbars or context menus.


bool allow_search false
FocusMode focus_mode 2 (parent override)
bool hide_on_checkable_item_selection true
bool hide_on_item_selection true
bool hide_on_state_item_selection false
float submenu_popup_delay 0.3


void add_check_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_check_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_icon_check_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_icon_check_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_icon_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_icon_radio_check_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_icon_radio_check_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_icon_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_multistate_item ( String label, int max_states, int default_state=0, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_radio_check_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )
void add_radio_check_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_separator ( String label="" )
void add_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )
void add_submenu_item ( String label, String submenu, int id=-1 )
void clear ( )
int get_current_index ( ) const
int get_item_accelerator ( int idx ) const
int get_item_count ( ) const
Texture get_item_icon ( int idx ) const
int get_item_id ( int idx ) const
int get_item_index ( int id ) const
Variant get_item_metadata ( int idx ) const
ShortCut get_item_shortcut ( int idx ) const
String get_item_submenu ( int idx ) const
String get_item_text ( int idx ) const
String get_item_tooltip ( int idx ) const
bool is_hide_on_window_lose_focus ( ) const
bool is_item_checkable ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_checked ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_disabled ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_radio_checkable ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_separator ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_shortcut_disabled ( int idx ) const
void remove_item ( int idx )
void set_hide_on_window_lose_focus ( bool enable )
void set_item_accelerator ( int idx, int accel )
void set_item_as_checkable ( int idx, bool enable )
void set_item_as_radio_checkable ( int idx, bool enable )
void set_item_as_separator ( int idx, bool enable )
void set_item_checked ( int idx, bool checked )
void set_item_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )
void set_item_icon ( int idx, Texture icon )
void set_item_id ( int idx, int id )
void set_item_metadata ( int idx, Variant metadata )
void set_item_multistate ( int idx, int state )
void set_item_shortcut ( int idx, ShortCut shortcut, bool global=false )
void set_item_shortcut_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )
void set_item_submenu ( int idx, String submenu )
void set_item_text ( int idx, String text )
void set_item_tooltip ( int idx, String tooltip )
void toggle_item_checked ( int idx )
void toggle_item_multistate ( int idx )

Theme Properties

Texture checked
Font font
Color font_color Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 )
Color font_color_accel Color( 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8 )
Color font_color_disabled Color( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8 )
Color font_color_hover Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 )
StyleBox hover
int hseparation 4
StyleBox labeled_separator_left
StyleBox labeled_separator_right
StyleBox panel
StyleBox panel_disabled
Texture radio_checked
Texture radio_unchecked
StyleBox separator
Texture submenu
Texture unchecked
int vseparation 4


id_focused ( int id )

Emitted when user navigated to an item of some id using ui_up or ui_down action.

id_pressed ( int id )

Emitted when an item of some id is pressed or its accelerator is activated.

index_pressed ( int index )

Emitted when an item of some index is pressed or its accelerator is activated.

Property Descriptions

Default false
Setter set_allow_search(value)
Getter get_allow_search()

If true, allows to navigate PopupMenu with letter keys.

bool hide_on_checkable_item_selection

Default true
Setter set_hide_on_checkable_item_selection(value)
Getter is_hide_on_checkable_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when a checkbox or radio button is selected.

bool hide_on_item_selection

Default true
Setter set_hide_on_item_selection(value)
Getter is_hide_on_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when an item is selected.

bool hide_on_state_item_selection

Default false
Setter set_hide_on_state_item_selection(value)
Getter is_hide_on_state_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when a state item is selected.

float submenu_popup_delay

Default 0.3
Setter set_submenu_popup_delay(value)
Getter get_submenu_popup_delay()

Sets the delay time in seconds for the submenu item to popup on mouse hovering. If the popup menu is added as a child of another (acting as a submenu), it will inherit the delay time of the parent menu item.

Method Descriptions

void add_check_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new checkable item with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_check_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Adds a new checkable item and assigns the specified ShortCut to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the ShortCut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_check_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new checkable item with text label and icon texture.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_check_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Adds a new checkable item and assigns the specified ShortCut and icon texture to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the ShortCut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new item with text label and icon texture.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

void add_icon_radio_check_item ( Texture texture, String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Same as add_icon_check_item, but uses a radio check button.

void add_icon_radio_check_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Same as add_icon_check_shortcut, but uses a radio check button.

void add_icon_shortcut ( Texture texture, ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Adds a new item and assigns the specified ShortCut and icon texture to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the ShortCut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

void add_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new item with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

void add_multistate_item ( String label, int max_states, int default_state=0, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new multistate item with text label.

Contrarily to normal binary items, multistate items can have more than two states, as defined by max_states. Each press or activate of the item will increase the state by one. The default value is defined by default_state.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

void add_radio_check_item ( String label, int id=-1, int accel=0 )

Adds a new radio check button with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided then the default 0 will be assigned to it. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_radio_check_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Adds a new radio check button and assigns a ShortCut to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the ShortCut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_separator ( String label="" )

Adds a separator between items. Separators also occupy an index.

void add_shortcut ( ShortCut shortcut, int id=-1, bool global=false )

Adds a ShortCut.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

void add_submenu_item ( String label, String submenu, int id=-1 )

Adds an item that will act as a submenu of the parent PopupMenu node when clicked. The submenu argument is the name of the child PopupMenu node that will be shown when the item is clicked.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

void clear ( )

Removes all items from the PopupMenu.

int get_current_index ( ) const

int get_item_accelerator ( int idx ) const

Returns the accelerator of the item at index idx. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused.

int get_item_count ( ) const

Returns the number of items in the PopupMenu.

Texture get_item_icon ( int idx ) const

Returns the icon of the item at index idx.

int get_item_id ( int idx ) const

Returns the id of the item at index idx. id can be manually assigned, while index can not.

int get_item_index ( int id ) const

Returns the index of the item containing the specified id. Index is automatically assigned to each item by the engine. Index can not be set manually.

Variant get_item_metadata ( int idx ) const

Returns the metadata of the specified item, which might be of any type. You can set it with set_item_metadata, which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items.

ShortCut get_item_shortcut ( int idx ) const

Returns the ShortCut associated with the specified idx item.

String get_item_submenu ( int idx ) const

Returns the submenu name of the item at index idx. See add_submenu_item for more info on how to add a submenu.

String get_item_text ( int idx ) const

Returns the text of the item at index idx.

String get_item_tooltip ( int idx ) const

Returns the tooltip associated with the specified index index idx.

bool is_hide_on_window_lose_focus ( ) const

Returns true if the popup will be hidden when the window loses focus or not.

bool is_item_checkable ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the item at index idx is checkable in some way, i.e. if it has a checkbox or radio button.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark or radio button, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually.

bool is_item_checked ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the item at index idx is checked.

bool is_item_disabled ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the item at index idx is disabled. When it is disabled it can't be selected, or its action invoked.

See set_item_disabled for more info on how to disable an item.

bool is_item_radio_checkable ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the item at index idx has radio button-style checkability.

Note: This is purely cosmetic; you must add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups.

bool is_item_separator ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the item is a separator. If it is, it will be displayed as a line. See add_separator for more info on how to add a separator.

bool is_item_shortcut_disabled ( int idx ) const

Returns true if the specified item's shortcut is disabled.

void remove_item ( int idx )

Removes the item at index idx from the menu.

Note: The indices of items after the removed item will be shifted by one.

void set_hide_on_window_lose_focus ( bool enable )

Hides the PopupMenu when the window loses focus.

void set_item_accelerator ( int idx, int accel )

Sets the accelerator of the item at index idx. Accelerators are special combinations of keys that activate the item, no matter which control is focused.

void set_item_as_checkable ( int idx, bool enable )

Sets whether the item at index idx has a checkbox. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually.

void set_item_as_radio_checkable ( int idx, bool enable )

Sets the type of the item at the specified index idx to radio button. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

void set_item_as_separator ( int idx, bool enable )

Mark the item at index idx as a separator, which means that it would be displayed as a line. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

void set_item_checked ( int idx, bool checked )

Sets the checkstate status of the item at index idx.

void set_item_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )

Enables/disables the item at index idx. When it is disabled, it can't be selected and its action can't be invoked.

void set_item_icon ( int idx, Texture icon )

Replaces the Texture icon of the specified idx.

void set_item_id ( int idx, int id )

Sets the id of the item at index idx.

void set_item_metadata ( int idx, Variant metadata )

Sets the metadata of an item, which may be of any type. You can later get it with get_item_metadata, which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items.

void set_item_multistate ( int idx, int state )

Sets the state of an multistate item. See add_multistate_item for details.

void set_item_shortcut ( int idx, ShortCut shortcut, bool global=false )

Sets a ShortCut for the specified item idx.

void set_item_shortcut_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )

Disables the ShortCut of the specified index idx.

void set_item_submenu ( int idx, String submenu )

Sets the submenu of the item at index idx. The submenu is the name of a child PopupMenu node that would be shown when the item is clicked.

void set_item_text ( int idx, String text )

Sets the text of the item at index idx.

void set_item_tooltip ( int idx, String tooltip )

Sets the String tooltip of the item at the specified index idx.

void toggle_item_checked ( int idx )

Toggles the check state of the item of the specified index idx.

void toggle_item_multistate ( int idx )

Cycle to the next state of an multistate item. See add_multistate_item for details.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.