
/Haskell 7


Copyright (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
License BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
Maintainer libraries@haskell.org
Stability provisional
Portability portable
Safe Haskell Safe
Language Haskell2010


Miscellaneous information about the system environment.

getArgs :: IO [String] Source

Computation getArgs returns a list of the program's command line arguments (not including the program name).

getProgName :: IO String Source

Computation getProgName returns the name of the program as it was invoked.

However, this is hard-to-impossible to implement on some non-Unix OSes, so instead, for maximum portability, we just return the leafname of the program as invoked. Even then there are some differences between platforms: on Windows, for example, a program invoked as foo is probably really FOO.EXE, and that is what getProgName will return.

getExecutablePath :: IO FilePath Source

Returns the absolute pathname of the current executable.

Note that for scripts and interactive sessions, this is the path to the interpreter (e.g. ghci.)


getEnv :: String -> IO String Source

Computation getEnv var returns the value of the environment variable var. For the inverse, POSIX users can use putEnv.

This computation may fail with:

lookupEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String) Source

Return the value of the environment variable var, or Nothing if there is no such value.

For POSIX users, this is equivalent to getEnv.


setEnv :: String -> String -> IO () Source

setEnv name value sets the specified environment variable to value.

On Windows setting an environment variable to the empty string removes that environment variable from the environment. For the sake of compatibility we adopt that behavior. In particular

setEnv name ""

has the same effect as

unsetEnv name

If you don't care about Windows support and want to set an environment variable to the empty string use System.Posix.Env.setEnv from the unix package instead.

Throws IOException if name is the empty string or contains an equals sign.


unsetEnv :: String -> IO () Source

unSet name removes the specified environment variable from the environment of the current process.

Throws IOException if name is the empty string or contains an equals sign.


withArgs :: [String] -> IO a -> IO a Source

withArgs args act - while executing action act, have getArgs return args.

withProgName :: String -> IO a -> IO a Source

withProgName name act - while executing action act, have getProgName return name.

getEnvironment :: IO [(String, String)] Source

getEnvironment retrieves the entire environment as a list of (key,value) pairs.

If an environment entry does not contain an '=' character, the key is the whole entry and the value is the empty string.

© The University of Glasgow and others
Licensed under a BSD-style license (see top of the page).