
/OpenJDK 21

Class PKIXRevocationChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, CertPathChecker
public abstract class PKIXRevocationChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker
A PKIXCertPathChecker for checking the revocation status of certificates with the PKIX algorithm.

A PKIXRevocationChecker checks the revocation status of certificates with the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). OCSP is described in RFC 2560 and is a network protocol for determining the status of a certificate. A CRL is a time-stamped list identifying revoked certificates, and RFC 5280 describes an algorithm for determining the revocation status of certificates using CRLs.

Each PKIXRevocationChecker must be able to check the revocation status of certificates with OCSP and CRLs. By default, OCSP is the preferred mechanism for checking revocation status, with CRLs as the fallback mechanism. However, this preference can be switched to CRLs with the PREFER_CRLS option. In addition, the fallback mechanism can be disabled with the NO_FALLBACK option.

A PKIXRevocationChecker is obtained by calling the getRevocationChecker method of a PKIX CertPathValidator. Additional parameters and options specific to revocation can be set (by calling the setOcspResponder method for instance). The PKIXRevocationChecker is added to a PKIXParameters object using the addCertPathChecker or setCertPathCheckers method, and then the PKIXParameters is passed along with the CertPath to be validated to the validate method of a PKIX CertPathValidator. When supplying a revocation checker in this manner, it will be used to check revocation irrespective of the setting of the RevocationEnabled flag, and will override the default revocation checking mechanism of the PKIX service provider. Similarly, a PKIXRevocationChecker may be added to a PKIXBuilderParameters object for use with a PKIX CertPathBuilder.

Note that when a PKIXRevocationChecker is added to PKIXParameters, it clones the PKIXRevocationChecker; thus any subsequent modifications to the PKIXRevocationChecker have no effect.

Any parameter that is not set (or is set to null) will be set to the default value for that parameter.

Concurrent Access

Unless otherwise specified, the methods defined in this class are not thread-safe. Multiple threads that need to access a single object concurrently should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking. Multiple threads each manipulating separate objects need not synchronize.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Class Description
static enum  PKIXRevocationChecker.Option
Various revocation options that can be specified for the revocation checking mechanism.

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Default constructor.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
PKIXRevocationChecker clone()
Returns a clone of this object.
List<Extension> getOcspExtensions()
Gets the optional OCSP request extensions.
URI getOcspResponder()
Gets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder.
X509Certificate getOcspResponderCert()
Gets the OCSP responder's certificate.
Map<X509Certificate,byte[]> getOcspResponses()
Gets the OCSP responses.
Set<PKIXRevocationChecker.Option> getOptions()
Gets the revocation options.
abstract List<CertPathValidatorException> getSoftFailExceptions()
Returns a list containing the exceptions that are ignored by the revocation checker when the SOFT_FAIL option is set.
void setOcspExtensions(List<Extension> extensions)
Sets the optional OCSP request extensions.
void setOcspResponder(URI uri)
Sets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder.
void setOcspResponderCert(X509Certificate cert)
Sets the OCSP responder's certificate.
void setOcspResponses(Map<X509Certificate,byte[]> responses)
Sets the OCSP responses.
void setOptions(Set<PKIXRevocationChecker.Option> options)
Sets the revocation options.

Methods declared in class java.security.cert.PKIXCertPathChecker

check, check, getSupportedExtensions, init, isForwardCheckingSupported

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected PKIXRevocationChecker()
Default constructor.

Method Details


public void setOcspResponder(URI uri)
Sets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This overrides the ocsp.responderURL security property and any responder specified in a certificate's Authority Information Access Extension, as defined in RFC 5280.
uri - the responder URI


public URI getOcspResponder()
Gets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This overrides the ocsp.responderURL security property. If this parameter or the ocsp.responderURL property is not set, the location is determined from the certificate's Authority Information Access Extension, as defined in RFC 5280.
the responder URI, or null if not set


public void setOcspResponderCert(X509Certificate cert)
Sets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName, ocsp.responderCertIssuerName, and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber security properties.
cert - the responder's certificate


public X509Certificate getOcspResponderCert()
Gets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName, ocsp.responderCertIssuerName, and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber security properties. If this parameter or the aforementioned properties are not set, then the responder's certificate is determined as specified in RFC 2560.
the responder's certificate, or null if not set


public void setOcspExtensions(List<Extension> extensions)
Sets the optional OCSP request extensions.
extensions - a list of extensions. The list is copied to protect against subsequent modification.


public List<Extension> getOcspExtensions()
Gets the optional OCSP request extensions.
an unmodifiable list of extensions. The list is empty if no extensions have been specified.


public void setOcspResponses(Map<X509Certificate,byte[]> responses)
Sets the OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used.
responses - a map of OCSP responses. Each key is an X509Certificate that maps to the corresponding DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of the map is performed to protect against subsequent modification.


public Map<X509Certificate,byte[]> getOcspResponses()
Gets the OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used.
a map of OCSP responses. Each key is an X509Certificate that maps to the corresponding DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of the map is returned to protect against subsequent modification. Returns an empty map if no responses have been specified.


public void setOptions(Set<PKIXRevocationChecker.Option> options)
Sets the revocation options.
options - a set of revocation options. The set is copied to protect against subsequent modification.


public Set<PKIXRevocationChecker.Option> getOptions()
Gets the revocation options.
an unmodifiable set of revocation options. The set is empty if no options have been specified.


public abstract List<CertPathValidatorException> getSoftFailExceptions()
Returns a list containing the exceptions that are ignored by the revocation checker when the SOFT_FAIL option is set. The list is cleared each time init is called. The list is ordered in ascending order according to the certificate index returned by getIndex method of each entry.

An implementation of PKIXRevocationChecker is responsible for adding the ignored exceptions to the list.

an unmodifiable list containing the ignored exceptions. The list is empty if no exceptions have been ignored.


public PKIXRevocationChecker clone()
Description copied from class: PKIXCertPathChecker
Returns a clone of this object. Calls the Object.clone() method. All subclasses which maintain state must support and override this method, if necessary.
clone in class PKIXCertPathChecker
a copy of this PKIXCertPathChecker
See Also:

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