SVG drawings and images are created using a wide array of elements which are dedicated to the construction, drawing, and layout of vector images and diagrams. Here you'll find reference documentation for each of the SVG elements.
SVG drawings and images are created using a wide array of elements which are dedicated to the construction, drawing, and layout of vector images and diagrams. Here you'll find reference documentation for each of the SVG elements.
Note: The SVG 2 spec requires that any unknown elements be treated as <g>
for the purpose of rendering.
, <feColorMatrix>
, <feComponentTransfer>
, <feComposite>
, <feConvolveMatrix>
, <feDiffuseLighting>
, <feDisplacementMap>
, <feDropShadow>
, <feFlood>
, <feFuncA>
, <feFuncB>
, <feFuncG>
, <feFuncR>
, <feGaussianBlur>
, <feImage>
, <feMerge>
, <feMergeNode>
, <feMorphology>
, <feOffset>
, <feSpecularLighting>
, <feTile>
, <feTurbulence>
, <circle>
, <ellipse>
, <foreignObject>
, <g>
, <image>
, <line>
, <path>
, <polygon>
, <polyline>
, <rect>
, <svg>
, <switch>
, <symbol>
, <text>
, <textPath>
, <tspan>
, <use>
Note: The SVG 2 spec requires that any unknown elements be treated as <g>
for the purpose of rendering.
Warning: These are old SVG elements which are deprecated and should not be used. You should never use them in new projects, and should replace them in old projects as soon as you can. They are listed here for informational purposes only.
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