#include <io_ops.h>
Restores tensors from a V2 checkpoint.
For backward compatibility with the V1 format, this Op currently allows restoring from a V1 checkpoint as well:
By default, restores the named tensors in full. If the caller wishes to restore specific slices of stored tensors, "shape_and_slices" should be non-empty strings and correspondingly well-formed.
Callers must ensure all the named tensors are indeed stored in the checkpoint.
: shape {N}. The restored tensors, whose shapes are read from the checkpoint directly. Constructors and Destructors | |
RestoreV2(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input prefix, ::tensorflow::Input tensor_names, ::tensorflow::Input shape_and_slices, const DataTypeSlice & dtypes) |
Public attributes | |
operation | |
tensors |
Public functions | |
operator[](size_t index) const |
Operation operation
::tensorflow::OutputList tensors
RestoreV2( const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input prefix, ::tensorflow::Input tensor_names, ::tensorflow::Input shape_and_slices, const DataTypeSlice & dtypes )
::tensorflow::Output operator[]( size_t index ) const
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