Classes | |
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorApplyGradient | Applies a gradient to a given accumulator. |
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorNumAccumulated | Returns the number of gradients aggregated in the given accumulators. |
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorSetGlobalStep | Updates the accumulator with a new value for global_step. |
tensorflow::ops::AccumulatorTakeGradient | Extracts the average gradient in the given ConditionalAccumulator. |
tensorflow::ops::Barrier | Defines a barrier that persists across different graph executions. |
tensorflow::ops::BarrierClose | Closes the given barrier. |
tensorflow::ops::BarrierIncompleteSize | Computes the number of incomplete elements in the given barrier. |
tensorflow::ops::BarrierInsertMany | For each key, assigns the respective value to the specified component. |
tensorflow::ops::BarrierReadySize | Computes the number of complete elements in the given barrier. |
tensorflow::ops::BarrierTakeMany | Takes the given number of completed elements from a barrier. |
tensorflow::ops::ConditionalAccumulator | A conditional accumulator for aggregating gradients. |
tensorflow::ops::DeleteSessionTensor | Delete the tensor specified by its handle in the session. |
tensorflow::ops::DynamicPartition | Partitions |
tensorflow::ops::DynamicStitch | Interleave the values from the |
tensorflow::ops::FIFOQueue | A queue that produces elements in first-in first-out order. |
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionHandle | Store the input tensor in the state of the current session. |
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionHandleV2 | Store the input tensor in the state of the current session. |
tensorflow::ops::GetSessionTensor | Get the value of the tensor specified by its handle. |
tensorflow::ops::MapClear | Op removes all elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::MapIncompleteSize | Op returns the number of incomplete elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::MapPeek | Op peeks at the values at the specified key. |
tensorflow::ops::MapSize | Op returns the number of elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::MapStage | Stage (key, values) in the underlying container which behaves like a hashtable. |
tensorflow::ops::MapUnstage | Op removes and returns the values associated with the key. |
tensorflow::ops::MapUnstageNoKey | Op removes and returns a random (key, value) |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapClear | Op removes all elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapIncompleteSize | Op returns the number of incomplete elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapPeek | Op peeks at the values at the specified key. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapSize | Op returns the number of elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapStage | Stage (key, values) in the underlying container which behaves like a ordered. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapUnstage | Op removes and returns the values associated with the key. |
tensorflow::ops::OrderedMapUnstageNoKey | Op removes and returns the (key, value) element with the smallest. |
tensorflow::ops::PaddingFIFOQueue | A queue that produces elements in first-in first-out order. |
tensorflow::ops::ParallelDynamicStitch | Interleave the values from the |
tensorflow::ops::PriorityQueue | A queue that produces elements sorted by the first component value. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueClose | Closes the given queue. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeue | Dequeues a tuple of one or more tensors from the given queue. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeueMany | Dequeues |
tensorflow::ops::QueueDequeueUpTo | Dequeues |
tensorflow::ops::QueueEnqueue | Enqueues a tuple of one or more tensors in the given queue. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueEnqueueMany | Enqueues zero or more tuples of one or more tensors in the given queue. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueIsClosed | Returns true if queue is closed. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueIsClosedV2 | Returns true if queue is closed. |
tensorflow::ops::QueueSize | Computes the number of elements in the given queue. |
tensorflow::ops::RandomShuffleQueue | A queue that randomizes the order of elements. |
tensorflow::ops::RecordInput | Emits randomized records. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseAccumulatorApplyGradient | Applies a sparse gradient to a given accumulator. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseAccumulatorTakeGradient | Extracts the average sparse gradient in a SparseConditionalAccumulator. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseConditionalAccumulator | A conditional accumulator for aggregating sparse gradients. |
tensorflow::ops::Stage | Stage values similar to a lightweight Enqueue. |
tensorflow::ops::StageClear | Op removes all elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::StagePeek | Op peeks at the values at the specified index. |
tensorflow::ops::StageSize | Op returns the number of elements in the underlying container. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArray | An array of Tensors of given size. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayClose | Delete the TensorArray from its resource container. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayConcat | Concat the elements from the TensorArray into value |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGather | Gather specific elements from the TensorArray into output |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGrad | Creates a TensorArray for storing the gradients of values in the given handle. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayGradWithShape | Creates a TensorArray for storing multiple gradients of values in the given handle. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayRead | Read an element from the TensorArray into output |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayScatter | Scatter the data from the input value into specific TensorArray elements. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArraySize | Get the current size of the TensorArray. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArraySplit | Split the data from the input value into TensorArray elements. |
tensorflow::ops::TensorArrayWrite | Push an element onto the tensor_array. |
tensorflow::ops::Unstage | Op is similar to a lightweight Dequeue. |
© 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
Code samples licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.