Classes | |
tensorflow::ops::AddManySparseToTensorsMap | Add an |
tensorflow::ops::AddSparseToTensorsMap | Add a |
tensorflow::ops::DeserializeManySparse | Deserialize and concatenate |
tensorflow::ops::DeserializeSparse | Deserialize |
tensorflow::ops::SerializeManySparse | Serialize an |
tensorflow::ops::SerializeSparse | Serialize a |
tensorflow::ops::SparseAdd | Adds two |
tensorflow::ops::SparseAddGrad | The gradient operator for the SparseAdd op. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseConcat | Concatenates a list of |
tensorflow::ops::SparseCross | Generates sparse cross from a list of sparse and dense tensors. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseCrossHashed | Generates sparse cross from a list of sparse and dense tensors. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseCrossV2 | Generates sparse cross from a list of sparse and dense tensors. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseAdd | Adds up a SparseTensor and a dense Tensor, using these special rules: |
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseDiv | Component-wise divides a SparseTensor by a dense Tensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseDenseCwiseMul | Component-wise multiplies a SparseTensor by a dense Tensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseFillEmptyRows | Fills empty rows in the input 2-D |
tensorflow::ops::SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad | The gradient of SparseFillEmptyRows. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceMax | Computes the max of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceMaxSparse | Computes the max of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceSum | Computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReduceSumSparse | Computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a SparseTensor. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReorder | Reorders a SparseTensor into the canonical, row-major ordering. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseReshape | Reshapes a SparseTensor to represent values in a new dense shape. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSlice | Slice a |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSliceGrad | The gradient operator for the SparseSlice op. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSoftmax | Applies softmax to a batched N-D |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSparseMaximum | Returns the element-wise max of two SparseTensors. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSparseMinimum | Returns the element-wise min of two SparseTensors. |
tensorflow::ops::SparseSplit | Split a |
tensorflow::ops::SparseTensorDenseAdd | Adds up a |
tensorflow::ops::SparseTensorDenseMatMul | Multiply SparseTensor (of rank 2) "A" by dense matrix "B". |
tensorflow::ops::TakeManySparseFromTensorsMap | Converts a sparse representation into a dense tensor. |
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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
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