#include <sparse_ops.h>
Multiply SparseTensor (of rank 2) "A" by dense matrix "B".
No validity checking is performed on the indices of A. However, the following input format is recommended for optimal behavior:
if adjoint_a == false: A should be sorted in lexicographically increasing order. Use SparseReorder if you're not sure. if adjoint_a == true: A should be sorted in order of increasing dimension 1 (i.e., "column major" order instead of "row major" order).
of the SparseTensor
, size [nnz, 2]
of the SparseTensor
, size [nnz]
of the SparseTensor
, size [2]
Vector.Optional attributes (see Attrs
: The product tensor. Constructors and Destructors | |
SparseTensorDenseMatMul(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input a_indices, ::tensorflow::Input a_values, ::tensorflow::Input a_shape, ::tensorflow::Input b) | |
SparseTensorDenseMatMul(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input a_indices, ::tensorflow::Input a_values, ::tensorflow::Input a_shape, ::tensorflow::Input b, const SparseTensorDenseMatMul::Attrs & attrs) |
Public attributes | |
operation | |
product |
Public functions | |
node() const | ::tensorflow::Node * |
operator::tensorflow::Input() const | |
operator::tensorflow::Output() const |
Public static functions | |
AdjointA(bool x) | |
AdjointB(bool x) |
Structs | |
tensorflow::ops::SparseTensorDenseMatMul::Attrs | Optional attribute setters for SparseTensorDenseMatMul. |
Operation operation
::tensorflow::Output product
SparseTensorDenseMatMul( const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input a_indices, ::tensorflow::Input a_values, ::tensorflow::Input a_shape, ::tensorflow::Input b )
SparseTensorDenseMatMul( const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input a_indices, ::tensorflow::Input a_values, ::tensorflow::Input a_shape, ::tensorflow::Input b, const SparseTensorDenseMatMul::Attrs & attrs )
::tensorflow::Node * node() const
operator::tensorflow::Input() const
operator::tensorflow::Output() const
Attrs AdjointA( bool x )
Attrs AdjointB( bool x )
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