Post Formats
This feature enables Post Formats support for a theme. When using child themes, be aware that
add_theme_support( 'post-formats' )
will override the formats as defined by the parent theme, not add to it.
To enable the specific formats (see supported formats at Post Formats), use:
add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'aside', 'gallery' ) );
To check if there is a ‘quote’ post format assigned to the post, use has_post_format():
if ( has_post_format( 'quote' ) ) {
echo 'This is a quote.';
Post Thumbnails
This feature enables Post Thumbnails support for a theme. Note that you can optionally pass a second argument, $args
, with an array of the Post Types for which you want to enable this feature.
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post' ) );
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'page' ) );
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'movie' ) );
This feature must be called before the ‘init’ hook is fired. That means it needs to be placed directly into functions.php or within a function attached to the ‘after_setup_theme’ hook. For custom post types, you can also add post thumbnails using the register_post_type() function as well.
To display thumbnails in themes index.php or single.php or custom templates, use:
To check if there is a post thumbnail assigned to the post before displaying it, use:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
Custom Background
This feature enables Custom_Backgrounds support for a theme.
add_theme_support( 'custom-background' );
Note that you can add default arguments using:
$defaults = array(
'default-image' => '',
'default-preset' => 'default',
'default-position-x' => 'left',
'default-position-y' => 'top',
'default-size' => 'auto',
'default-repeat' => 'repeat',
'default-attachment' => 'scroll',
'default-color' => '',
'wp-head-callback' => '_custom_background_cb',
'admin-head-callback' => '',
'admin-preview-callback' => '',
add_theme_support( 'custom-background', $defaults );
This feature enables Custom_Headers support for a theme.
add_theme_support( 'custom-header' );
Note that you can add default arguments using:
$defaults = array(
'default-image' => '',
'random-default' => false,
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'flex-height' => false,
'flex-width' => false,
'default-text-color' => '',
'header-text' => true,
'uploads' => true,
'wp-head-callback' => '',
'admin-head-callback' => '',
'admin-preview-callback' => '',
'video' => false,
'video-active-callback' => 'is_front_page',
add_theme_support( 'custom-header', $defaults );
Custom Logo
This feature, first introduced in Version_4.5, enables Theme_Logo support for a theme.
add_theme_support( 'custom-logo' );
Note that you can add default arguments using:
add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', array(
'height' => 100,
'width' => 400,
'flex-height' => true,
'flex-width' => true,
'header-text' => array( 'site-title', 'site-description' ),
) );
Feed Links
This feature enables Automatic Feed Links for post and comment in the head. This should be used in place of the deprecated automatic_feed_links() function.
add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
This feature allows the use of HTML5 markup for the search forms, comment forms, comment lists, gallery, and caption.
add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'comment-list', 'comment-form', 'search-form', 'gallery', 'caption', 'style', 'script' ) );
Title Tag
This feature enables plugins and themes to manage the document title tag. This should be used in place of wp_title() function.
add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
This feature enables Selective Refresh for Widgets being managed within the Customizer. This feature became available in WordPress 4.5. For more on why and how Selective Refresh works read Implementing Selective Refresh Support for Widgets.
add_theme_support( 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets' );
To show the “Featured Image” meta box in Multisite installation, make sure you update the allowed upload file types, in Network Admin, Network Admin Settings SubPanel#Upload_Settings, Media upload buttons options. Default is jpg jpeg png gif mp3 mov avi wmv midi mid pdf
Other Notes
The following parameters are read only, and should only be used in the context of current_theme_supports():
File: wp-includes/theme.php
function add_theme_support( $feature, ...$args ) {
global $_wp_theme_features;
if ( ! $args ) {
$args = true;
switch ( $feature ) {
case 'post-thumbnails':
if ( true === get_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ) ) {
if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) && isset( $_wp_theme_features['post-thumbnails'] ) ) {
$args[0] = array_unique( array_merge( $_wp_theme_features['post-thumbnails'][0], $args[0] ) );
case 'post-formats':
if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
$post_formats = get_post_format_slugs();
unset( $post_formats['standard'] );
$args[0] = array_intersect( $args[0], array_keys( $post_formats ) );
case 'html5':
if ( empty( $args[0] ) ) {
$args = array( 0 => array( 'comment-list', 'comment-form', 'search-form' ) );
} elseif ( ! isset( $args[0] ) || ! is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
_doing_it_wrong( "add_theme_support( 'html5' )", __( 'You need to pass an array of types.' ), '3.6.1' );
return false;
if ( isset( $_wp_theme_features['html5'] ) ) {
$args[0] = array_merge( $_wp_theme_features['html5'][0], $args[0] );
case 'custom-logo':
if ( true === $args ) {
$args = array( 0 => array() );
$defaults = array(
'width' => null,
'height' => null,
'flex-width' => false,
'flex-height' => false,
'header-text' => '',
'unlink-homepage-logo' => false,
$args[0] = wp_parse_args( array_intersect_key( $args[0], $defaults ), $defaults );
if ( is_null( $args[0]['width'] ) && is_null( $args[0]['height'] ) ) {
$args[0]['flex-width'] = true;
$args[0]['flex-height'] = true;
case 'custom-header-uploads':
return add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array( 'uploads' => true ) );
case 'custom-header':
if ( true === $args ) {
$args = array( 0 => array() );
$defaults = array(
'default-image' => '',
'random-default' => false,
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'flex-height' => false,
'flex-width' => false,
'default-text-color' => '',
'header-text' => true,
'uploads' => true,
'wp-head-callback' => '',
'admin-head-callback' => '',
'admin-preview-callback' => '',
'video' => false,
'video-active-callback' => 'is_front_page',
$jit = isset( $args[0]['__jit'] );
unset( $args[0]['__jit'] );
if ( isset( $_wp_theme_features['custom-header'] ) ) {
$args[0] = wp_parse_args( $_wp_theme_features['custom-header'][0], $args[0] );
if ( $jit ) {
$args[0] = wp_parse_args( $args[0], $defaults );
if ( defined( 'NO_HEADER_TEXT' ) ) {
$args[0]['header-text'] = ! NO_HEADER_TEXT;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['header-text'] ) ) {
define( 'NO_HEADER_TEXT', empty( $args[0]['header-text'] ) );
if ( defined( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH' ) ) {
$args[0]['width'] = (int) HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['width'] ) ) {
define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', (int) $args[0]['width'] );
if ( defined( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT' ) ) {
$args[0]['height'] = (int) HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['height'] ) ) {
define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', (int) $args[0]['height'] );
if ( defined( 'HEADER_TEXTCOLOR' ) ) {
$args[0]['default-text-color'] = HEADER_TEXTCOLOR;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['default-text-color'] ) ) {
define( 'HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', $args[0]['default-text-color'] );
if ( defined( 'HEADER_IMAGE' ) ) {
$args[0]['default-image'] = HEADER_IMAGE;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['default-image'] ) ) {
define( 'HEADER_IMAGE', $args[0]['default-image'] );
if ( $jit && ! empty( $args[0]['default-image'] ) ) {
$args[0]['random-default'] = false;
if ( $jit ) {
if ( empty( $args[0]['width'] ) && empty( $args[0]['flex-width'] ) ) {
$args[0]['flex-width'] = true;
if ( empty( $args[0]['height'] ) && empty( $args[0]['flex-height'] ) ) {
$args[0]['flex-height'] = true;
case 'custom-background':
if ( true === $args ) {
$args = array( 0 => array() );
$defaults = array(
'default-image' => '',
'default-preset' => 'default',
'default-position-x' => 'left',
'default-position-y' => 'top',
'default-size' => 'auto',
'default-repeat' => 'repeat',
'default-attachment' => 'scroll',
'default-color' => '',
'wp-head-callback' => '_custom_background_cb',
'admin-head-callback' => '',
'admin-preview-callback' => '',
$jit = isset( $args[0]['__jit'] );
unset( $args[0]['__jit'] );
if ( isset( $_wp_theme_features['custom-background'] ) ) {
$args[0] = wp_parse_args( $_wp_theme_features['custom-background'][0], $args[0] );
if ( $jit ) {
$args[0] = wp_parse_args( $args[0], $defaults );
if ( defined( 'BACKGROUND_COLOR' ) ) {
$args[0]['default-color'] = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['default-color'] ) || $jit ) {
define( 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', $args[0]['default-color'] );
if ( defined( 'BACKGROUND_IMAGE' ) ) {
$args[0]['default-image'] = BACKGROUND_IMAGE;
} elseif ( isset( $args[0]['default-image'] ) || $jit ) {
define( 'BACKGROUND_IMAGE', $args[0]['default-image'] );
case 'title-tag':
if ( did_action( 'wp_loaded' ) ) {
"add_theme_support( 'title-tag' )",
__( 'Theme support for %1$s should be registered before the %2$s hook.' ),
return false;
$_wp_theme_features[ $feature ] = $args;