Uses | Description |
wp-includes/ms-network.php: get_network() | Retrieves network data given a network ID or network object. |
wp-admin/includes/schema.php: populate_roles() | Execute WordPress role creation for the various WordPress versions. |
wp-admin/includes/schema.php: populate_options() | Create WordPress options and set the default values. |
wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php: make_db_current_silent() | Updates the database tables to a new schema, but without displaying results. |
wp-includes/class-wp-roles.php: WP_Roles::__construct() | Constructor |
wp-includes/l10n.php: __() | Retrieve the translation of $text. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: wp_unslash() | Remove slashes from a string or array of strings. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: untrailingslashit() | Removes trailing forward slashes and backslashes if they exist. |
wp-includes/functions.php: _deprecated_function() | Mark a function as deprecated and inform when it has been used. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: set_url_scheme() | Sets the scheme for a URL. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: get_home_url() | Retrieves the URL for a given site where the front end is accessible. |
wp-includes/option.php: get_site_option() | Retrieve an option value for the current network based on name of option. |
wp-includes/option.php: update_option() | Updates the value of an option that was already added. |
wp-includes/ms-load.php: is_subdomain_install() | Whether a subdomain configuration is enabled. |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: get_blog_option() | Retrieve option value for a given blog id based on name of option. |
wp-includes/ms-blogs.php: get_blogaddress_by_id() | Get a full blog URL, given a blog ID. |
wp-includes/wp-db.php: wpdb::get_results() | Retrieves an entire SQL result set from the database (i.e., many rows). |
wp-includes/wp-db.php: wpdb::suppress_errors() | Enables or disables suppressing of database errors. |
wp-includes/wp-db.php: wpdb::get_blog_prefix() | Gets blog prefix. |
wp-includes/meta.php: delete_metadata() | Deletes metadata for the specified object. |