
/Web APIs

IntersectionObserverEntry: time property

The IntersectionObserverEntry interface's read-only time property is a DOMHighResTimeStamp that indicates the time at which the intersection change occurred relative to the time at which the document was created.


A DOMHighResTimeStamp which indicates the time at which the target element experienced the intersection change described by the IntersectionObserverEntry. The time is specified in milliseconds since the creation of the containing document.


See Timing element visibility with the Intersection Observer API for a complete example which uses the time property to track how long elements are visible to the user.


Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet
time 51 15 55 No 38 12.1 51 51 55 41 12.2 5.0

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