Increments or decrements each of the underlying is_...
iterators in the underlying tuple-like object current_
/*tuple-for-each*/([](auto& i) { ++i; }, current_); return *this;
auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
/*tuple-for-each*/([](auto& i) { --i; }, current_); return *this;
auto tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp;
/*tuple-for-each*/([&]<class I>(I& i) { i += iter_difference_t<I>(x); }, current_); return *this;
/*tuple-for-each*/([&]<class I>(I& i) { i -= iter_difference_t<I>(x); }, current_); return *this;
n | - | position relative to current location |
that was made before the change
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