

struct Int16

Defined in:


Constant Summary

MAX = 32767_i16
MIN = -32768_i16


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Int

%(other : BigInt) : BigInt
%(other : Int) %
, &*(other : BigInt) : BigInt &*, &**(exponent : Int) : self &**, &+(other : BigInt) : BigInt &+, &-(other : BigInt) : BigInt &-, *(other : BigDecimal)
*(other : BigRational)
*(other : BigInt) : BigInt *
, **(exponent : Float) : Float64
**(exponent : Int) : self **
, +(other : BigDecimal)
+(other : BigRational)
+(other : BigInt) : BigInt +
, -(other : BigInt) : BigInt
-(other : BigDecimal)
-(other : BigRational) -
, /(other : BigRational) /, //(other : Int::Primitive) //, < <<, <=>(other : BigDecimal)
<=>(other : BigRational)
<=>(other : Int) : Int32
<=>(other : BigInt) <=>
, ===(char : Char) ===, >>(count : Int) >>, abs abs, bit(bit) bit, bit_length : Int32 bit_length, bits(range : Range) bits, bits_set?(mask) bits_set?, ceil ceil, chr chr, day : Time::Span day, days : Time::Span days, digits(base = 10) : Array(Int32) digits, divisible_by?(num) divisible_by?, downto(to, &block : self -> ) : Nil
downto(to) downto
, even? even?, fdiv(other) fdiv, floor floor, gcd(other : self) : self gcd, gcm(other : BigInt) : Int gcm, hash(hasher) hash, hour : Time::Span hour, hours : Time::Span hours, humanize_bytes(io : IO, precision : Int = 3, separator = '.', *, significant : Bool = true, format : BinaryPrefixFormat = :IEC) : Nil
humanize_bytes(precision : Int = 3, separator = '.', *, significant : Bool = true, format : BinaryPrefixFormat = :IEC) : String humanize_bytes
, lcm(other : Int)
lcm(other : BigInt) : BigInt lcm
, microsecond : Time::Span microsecond, microseconds : Time::Span microseconds, millisecond : Time::Span millisecond, milliseconds : Time::Span milliseconds, minute : Time::Span minute, minutes : Time::Span minutes, modulo(other) modulo, month : Time::MonthSpan month, months : Time::MonthSpan months, nanosecond : Time::Span nanosecond, nanoseconds : Time::Span nanoseconds, odd? odd?, popcount popcount, pred pred, remainder(other : Int) remainder, round round, second : Time::Span second, seconds : Time::Span seconds, succ succ, tdiv(other : Int) tdiv, times(&block : self -> ) : Nil
times times
, to(to)
to(to, &block : self -> ) : Nil to
, to_big_d to_big_d, to_big_i : BigInt to_big_i, to_big_r to_big_r, to_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) to_io, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json, to_json_object_key to_json_object_key, to_s(base : Int = 10, *, upcase : Bool = false) : String
to_s(io : IO, base : Int = 10, *, upcase : Bool = false) : Nil
to_s(base : Int, _upcase : Bool) : String
to_s(base : Int, io : IO, upcase : Bool = false) : Nil to_s
, trailing_zeros_count trailing_zeros_count, trunc trunc, upto(to)
upto(to, &block : self -> ) : Nil upto
, week : Time::Span week, weeks : Time::Span weeks, year : Time::MonthSpan year, years : Time::MonthSpan years, ~ ~

Constructor methods inherited from struct Int

from_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) : self from_io

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigDecimal)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigRational)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigInt)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp

Instance methods inherited from struct Number

*(other : Complex)
*(other : BigFloat) *
, +(other : BigFloat)
+(other : Complex)
+ +
, -(other : Complex)
-(other : BigFloat) -
, /(other : Complex)
/(other : BigFloat) /
, //(other) //, <=>(other : BigFloat)
<=>(other) : Int32? <=>
, ==(other : Complex) ==, abs abs, abs2 abs2, cis cis, divmod(number) divmod, format(separator = '.', delimiter = ',', decimal_places : Int? = nil, *, group : Int = 3, only_significant : Bool = false) : String
format(io : IO, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', decimal_places : Int? = nil, *, group : Int = 3, only_significant : Bool = false) : Nil format
, humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Indexable = SI_PREFIXES) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Proc) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, &) : String
humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, &prefixes : Int32, Float64 -> Tuple(Int32, _) | Tuple(Int32, _, Bool)) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes = SI_PREFIXES) : String
humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Proc) : Nil humanize
, i i, round(digits = 0, base = 10) round, sign sign, significant(digits, base = 10) significant, step(*, to = nil, by = 1)
step(*, to = nil, by = 1, &) step
, to_big_f to_big_f, to_c to_c, to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) to_yaml, zero? : Bool zero?

Constructor methods inherited from struct Number

zero : self zero

Class methods inherited from struct Number

si_prefix(magnitude : Int, prefixes = SI_PREFIXES) : Char? si_prefix

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigFloat)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Number)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
==(other) ==
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
hash hash
, in?(*values : Object) : Bool
in?(collection) : Bool in?
, inspect : String
inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO)
to_json to_json
, to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") to_pretty_json
, to_s : String
to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s
, to_yaml(io : IO)
to_yaml to_yaml
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
from_json(string_or_io) from_json
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Constructor Detail

def self.new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)Source

def self.new(pull : JSON::PullParser)Source

def self.new(value)Source

Returns an Int16 by invoking #to_i16 on value.

Class Method Detail

def self.from_json_object_key?(key : String)Source

def self.new!(value)Source

Returns an Int16 by invoking #to_i16! on value.

Instance Method Detail

def !=(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def !=(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

def &(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise AND of self's and other's bits.

def &*(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &*(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &+(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def &-(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def *(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : Float64) : Float64Source

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

def *(other : Float32) : Float32Source

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

def *(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def *(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of multiplying self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : Float32) : Float32Source

Returns the result of adding self and other.

def +(other : Float64) : Float64Source

Returns the result of adding self and other.

def +(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def +(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of adding self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of subtracting self and other. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def -(other : Float32) : Float32Source

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

def -(other : Float64) : Float64Source

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

def -Source

def /(other : BigInt) : BigFloatSource

def /(other : Float64) : Float64Source

def /(other : Float32) : Float32Source

def /(other : UInt128) : Float64Source

def /(other : Int128) : Float64Source

def /(other : UInt64) : Float64Source

def /(other : Int64) : Float64Source

def /(other : UInt32) : Float64Source

def /(other : Int32) : Float64Source

def /(other : UInt16) : Float64Source

def /(other : Int16) : Float64Source

def /(other : UInt8) : Float64Source

def /(other : BigFloat) : BigFloatSource

def /(other : BigDecimal) : BigDecimalSource

def /(other : BigRational) : BigRationalSource

def /(other : Int8) : Float64Source

def <(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than other.

def <=(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def <=(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

def ==(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def ==(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is equal to other.

def >(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than other.

def >=(other : Int8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Int16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Int32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Int64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Int128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : UInt8) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : UInt16) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : UInt32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : UInt64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : UInt128) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Float32) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def >=(other : Float64) : BoolSource

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

def ^(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def ^(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise XOR of self's and other's bits.

def cloneSource

def leading_zeros_countSource

Returns the number of leading 0-bits.

def popcountSource

Description copied from struct Int

Counts 1-bits in the binary representation of this integer.

5.popcount   # => 2
-15.popcount # => 29

def to_f : Float64Source

Returns self converted to Float64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_f! : Float64Source

Returns self converted to Float64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_f32 : Float32Source

Returns self converted to Float32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_f32! : Float32Source

Returns self converted to Float32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_f64 : Float64Source

Returns self converted to Float64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_f64! : Float64Source

Returns self converted to Float64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i : Int32Source

Returns self converted to Int32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i! : Int32Source

Returns self converted to Int32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i128 : Int128Source

Returns self converted to Int128. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i128! : Int128Source

Returns self converted to Int128. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i16 : Int16Source

Returns self converted to Int16. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i16! : Int16Source

Returns self converted to Int16. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i32 : Int32Source

Returns self converted to Int32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i32! : Int32Source

Returns self converted to Int32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i64 : Int64Source

Returns self converted to Int64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i64! : Int64Source

Returns self converted to Int64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_i8 : Int8Source

Returns self converted to Int8. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_i8! : Int8Source

Returns self converted to Int8. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u : UInt32Source

Returns self converted to UInt32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u! : UInt32Source

Returns self converted to UInt32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u128 : UInt128Source

Returns self converted to UInt128. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u128! : UInt128Source

Returns self converted to UInt128. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u16 : UInt16Source

Returns self converted to UInt16. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u16! : UInt16Source

Returns self converted to UInt16. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u32 : UInt32Source

Returns self converted to UInt32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u32! : UInt32Source

Returns self converted to UInt32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u64 : UInt64Source

Returns self converted to UInt64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u64! : UInt64Source

Returns self converted to UInt64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def to_u8 : UInt8Source

Returns self converted to UInt8. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

def to_u8! : UInt8Source

Returns self converted to UInt8. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

def trailing_zeros_countSource

Description copied from struct Int

Returns the number of trailing 0-bits.

def unsafe_chr : CharSource

Returns a Char that has the unicode codepoint of self, without checking if this integer is in the range valid for chars (0..0x10ffff).

You should never use this method unless chr turns out to be a bottleneck.

97.unsafe_chr # => 'a'

def |(other : Int8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : Int16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : Int32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : Int64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : UInt128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : Int128) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : UInt8) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : UInt16) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : UInt64) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

def |(other : UInt32) : selfSource

Returns the result of performing a bitwise OR of self's and other's bits.

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.