represents a date-time instant in incremental time observed in a specific time zone.
The calendaric calculations are based on the rules of the proleptic Gregorian calendar as specified in ISO 8601. Leap seconds are ignored.
Internally, the time is stored as an Int64
representing seconds from epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC
) and an Int32
representing nanosecond-of-second with value range 0..999_999_999
The supported date range is 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0
to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999
in any local time zone.
There are several methods to retrieve a Time
instance representing the current time:
Time.utc # returns the current time in UTC Time.local Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin") # returns the current time in time zone Europe/Berlin Time.local # returns the current time in current time zone
It is generally recommended to keep instances in UTC and only apply a local time zone when formatting for user display, unless the domain logic requires having a specific time zone (for example for calendaric operations).
instances representing a specific instant can be created by .utc
or .new
with the date-time specified as individual arguments:
time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30) time.to_s # => 2016-02-15 10:20:30 UTC time = Time.local(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time.to_s # => 2016-02-15 10:20:30 +01:00 Europe/Berlin # The time-of-day can be omitted and defaults to midnight (start of day): time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15) time.to_s # => 2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC
Each Time
instance allows querying calendar data:
time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30) time.year # => 2016 time.month # => 2 time.day # => 15 time.hour # => 10 time.minute # => 20 time.second # => 30 time.millisecond # => 0 time.nanosecond # => 0 time.day_of_week # => Time::DayOfWeek::Monday time.day_of_year # => 46 time.monday? # => true time.time_of_day # => 10:20:30
For querying if a time is at a specific day of week, Time
offers named predicate methods, delegating to #day_of_week
time.monday? # => true # ... time.sunday? # => false
Each time is attached to a specific time zone, represented by a Location
(see #location
). #zone
returns the time zone observed in this location at the current time (i.e. the instant represented by this Time
). #offset
returns the offset of the current zone in seconds.
time = Time.local(2018, 3, 8, 22, 5, 13, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time # => 2018-03-08 22:05:13 +01:00 Europe/Berlin time.location # => #<Time::Location Europe/Berlin> time.zone # => #<Time::Location::Zone CET +01:00 (3600s) STD> time.offset # => 3600
Using .utc
, the location is Time::Location::UTC
time = Time.utc(2018, 3, 8, 22, 5, 13) time # => 2018-03-08 22:05:13.0 UTC time.location # => #<Time::Location UTC> time.zone # => #<Time::Location::Zone UTC +00:00 (0s) STD> time.offset # => 0
A Time
instance can be transformed to a different time zone while retaining the same instant using #in
time_de = Time.local(2018, 3, 8, 22, 5, 13, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time_ar = time_de.in Time::Location.load("America/Buenos_Aires") time_de # => 2018-03-08 22:05:13 +01:00 Europe/Berlin time_ar # => 2018-03-08 18:05:13 -03:00 America/Buenos_Aires
Both Time
instances show a different local date-time, but they represent the same date-time in the instant time-line, therefore they are considered equal:
time_de.to_utc # => 2018-03-08 21:05:13 UTC time_ar.to_utc # => 2018-03-08 21:05:13 UTC time_de == time_ar # => true
There are also two special methods for converting to UTC and local time zone:
time.to_utc # equals time.in(Location::UTC) time.to_local # equals time.in(Location.local)
allows changing the time zone while keeping the same local date-time (wall clock) which results in a different instant on the time line.
To make date-time instances exchangeable between different computer systems or readable to humans, they are usually converted to and from a string representation.
The method #to_s
formats the date-time according to a specified pattern.
time = Time.utc(2015, 10, 12, 10, 30, 0) time.to_s("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:z") # => "2015-10-12 10:30:00 +00:00"
Similarly, Time.parse
and Time.parse!
are used to construct a Time
instance from date-time information in a string, according to a specified pattern:
Time.parse("2015-10-12 10:30:00 +00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", Time::Location::UTC) Time.parse!("2015-10-12 10:30:00 +00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
See Time::Format
for all directives.
Time.utc(2015, 10, 10) - 5.days # => 2015-10-05 00:00:00 +00:00 span = Time.utc(2015, 10, 10) - Time.utc(2015, 9, 10) span.days # => 30 span.total_hours # => 720 span.total_minutes # => 43200
The typical time representation provided by the operating system is based on a "wall clock" which is subject to changes for clock synchronization. This can result in discontinuous jumps in the time-line making it not suitable for accurately measuring elapsed time.
Instances of Time
are focused on telling time – using a "wall clock". When Time.local
is called multiple times, the difference between the returned instances is not guaranteed to equal to the time elapsed between making the calls; even the order of the returned Time
instances might not reflect invocation order.
t1 = Time.utc # operation that takes 1 minute t2 = Time.utc t2 - t1 # => ?
The resulting Time::Span
could be anything, even negative, if the computer's wall clock has changed between both calls.
As an alternative, the operating system also provides a monotonic clock. Its time-line has no specfied starting point but is strictly linearly increasing.
This monotonic clock should always be used for measuring elapsed time.
A reading from this clock can be taken using .monotonic
t1 = Time.monotonic # operation that takes 1 minute t2 = Time.monotonic t2 - t1 # => 1.minute (approximately)
The execution time of a block can be measured using .measure
elapsed_time = Time.measure do # operation that takes 20 milliseconds end elapsed_time # => 20.milliseconds (approximately)
new(unsafe_utc_seconds: 62135596800_i64)
This constant is defined to be "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC". Can be used to create a Time::Span
that represents an Unix Epoch time duration.
Time.utc - Time::UNIX_EPOCH
Creates a new Time
instance representing the given local date-time in location (defaults to local time zone).
Creates a new Time
instance representing the current time from the system clock observed in location (defaults to local time zone).
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed from epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC
) observed in location.
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern.
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern.
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern and Time::Location.local
as default location
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern and Time::Location::UTC
as default location.
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed from epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC
) in UTC.
Creates a new Time
instance representing the current time from the system clock in UTC.
Creates a new Time
instance representing the given date-time in UTC.
Creates an instance specified by a commercial week date consisting of ISO calendar year, week and a day_of_week.
Returns the number of days in month (value range: 1..12
) taking account of the year.
Returns the number of days in year.
Returns true
if year is a leap year in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
Measures the execution time of block.
Returns a reading from the monotonic clock to measure elapsed time.
Parse datetime format specified by ISO 8601.
Parse time format specified by RFC 2822.
Returns a copy of this Time
with span added.
Returns a copy of this Time
with span added.
Returns a copy of this Time
with span subtracted.
Returns a Time::Span
amounting to the duration between other and self
Returns a copy of this Time
with span subtracted.
Compares this Time
with other.
Compares this Time
with other for equality.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the day.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the hour.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the minute.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the month.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the quarter.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the seconds.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the semester.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the week.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the year.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the day.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the hour.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the minute.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the month.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the quarter.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the second.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the semester.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the week.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the year.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing midday (12:00
) of the same day.
Returns the ISO calendar year and week in which this instance occurs.
Returns the day of the month (1..31
Returns the day of the week (Monday..Sunday
Returns the day of the year.
Returns true
if the day of week is Friday.
Returns the hour of the day (0..23
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant observed in location.
Prints this Time
to io.
Returns true
if #location
equals to the local time zone (Time::Location.local
Returns the millisecond of the second (0..999
Returns the minute of the hour (0..59
Returns true
if the day of week is Monday.
Returns the month of the year (1..12
Returns the nanosecond of the second (0..999_999_999
Returns the offset from UTC (in seconds) in effect in #location
at this instant.
Returns true
if the day of week is Saturday.
Returns the second of the minute (0..59
Returns a copy of this Time
shifted by the amount of calendrical units provided as arguments.
Returns a copy of this Time
shifted by the number of seconds and nanoseconds.
Returns true
if the day of week is Sunday.
Returns true
if the day of week is Thursday.
Returns the duration between this Time
and midnight of the same day.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant in the local time zone (Time::Location.local
Creates a new Time
instance with the same local date-time representation (wall clock) in a different location.
Format this time using the format specified by RFC 2822 into the given io.
Format this time using the format specified by RFC 2822.
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format.
Prints this Time
to io.
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format to the given io.
DEPRECATED Use #to_s(io : IO, format : String)
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format to the given io.
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
) as Float64
with nanosecond precision.
Returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant in UTC (Time::Location::UTC
Returns true
if the day of week is Tuesday.
Returns true
if #location
equals to Location::UTC
Returns true
if the day of week is Wednesday.
Returns the year of the proleptic Georgian Calendar (0..9999
Returns the time zone in effect in #location
at this instant.
Creates a new Time
instance representing the given local date-time in location (defaults to local time zone).
time = Time.local(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time.inspect # => "2016-02-15 10:20:30.0 +01:00 Europe/Berlin"
Valid value ranges for the individual fields:
: 1..9999
: 1..12
: 1
- 28
(depending on month and year)#hour
: 0..23
: 0..59
: 0..59
: 0..999_999_999
The time-of-day can be omitted and defaults to midnight (start of day):
time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15) time.to_s # => "2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC"
The local date-time representation is resolved to a single instant based on the offset observed in the location at this time.
This process can sometimes be ambiguous, mostly due skipping or repeating times at time zone transitions. For example, in America/New_York
the date-time 2011-03-13 02:15:00
never occurred, there is a gap between time zones. In return, 2011-11-06 01:15:00
occurred twice because of overlapping time zones.
In such cases, the choice of time zone, and therefore the time, is not well-defined. This method returns a time that is correct in one of the two zones involved in the transition, but it does not guarantee which.
Creates a new Time
instance representing the current time from the system clock observed in location (defaults to local time zone).
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed from epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC
) observed in location.
Valid range for seconds is 0..315_537_897_599
. For nanoseconds it is 0..999_999_999
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern.
See Time::Format
for details.
Time.parse("2016-04-05", "%F", Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) # => 2016-04-05 00:00:00.0 +02:00 Europe/Berlin
If there is no time zone information in the formatted time, location will be assumed. When location is nil
, in such a case the parser will raise Time::Format::Error
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern.
See Time::Format
for details.
Time.parse!("2016-04-05 +00:00", "%F %:z") # => 2016-04-05 00:00:00.0 +00:00 Time.parse!("2016-04-05", "%F") # raises Time::Format::Error
If there is no time zone information in the formatted time, the parser will raise Time::Format::Error
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern and Time::Location.local
as default location
See Time::Format
for details.
Time.parse_utc("2016-04-05", "%F") # => 2016-04-05 00:00:00.0 +00:00
will only be used as #location
if the formatted time does not contain any time zone information. The return value can't be assumed to be a UTC time (this can be achieved by calling #to_local
Parses a Time
from time string using the given pattern and Time::Location::UTC
as default location.
See Time::Format
for details.
Time.parse_utc("2016-04-05", "%F") # => 2016-04-05 00:00:00.0 +00:00
will only be used as #location
if the formatted time does not contain any time zone information. The return value can't be assumed to be a UTC time (this can be achieved by calling #to_utc
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
The time zone is always UTC.
Time.unix(981173106) # => 2001-02-03 04:05:06 UTC
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
The time zone is always UTC.
time = Time.unix_ms(981173106789) # => 2001-02-03 04:05:06.789 UTC time.millisecond # => 789
Creates a new Time
instance that corresponds to the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed from epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC
) in UTC.
Valid range for seconds is 0..315_537_897_599
. For nanoseconds it is 0..999_999_999
Creates a new Time
instance representing the current time from the system clock in UTC.
Creates a new Time
instance representing the given date-time in UTC.
time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30) time.to_s # => "2016-02-15 10:20:30 UTC"
Valid value ranges for the individual fields:
: 1..9999
: 1..12
: 1
- 28
(depending on month and year)#hour
: 0..23
: 0..59
: 0..59
: 0..999_999_999
The time-of-day can be omitted and defaults to midnight (start of day):
time = Time.utc(2016, 2, 15) time.to_s # => "2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC"
Since UTC does not have any time zone transitions, each date-time is unambiguously resolved.
Creates an instance specified by a commercial week date consisting of ISO calendar year, week and a day_of_week.
This equates to the results from #calendar_week
and #day_of_week
Valid value ranges for the individual fields:
: 1..9999
: 1..53
: 1..7
Returns the number of days in month (value range: 1..12
) taking account of the year.
The returned value is either 28
, 29
, 30
or 31
depending on the month and whether year is leap.
Time.days_in_month(2016, 2) # => 29 Time.days_in_month(1990, 4) # => 30
Returns the number of days in year.
A normal year has 365
days, a leap year 366
Time.days_in_year(1990) # => 365 Time.days_in_year(2004) # => 366
Returns true
if year is a leap year in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
Measures the execution time of block.
The measurement relies on the monotonic clock and is not affected by fluctuations of the system clock (see #monotonic
elapsed_time = Time.measure do # operation that takes 20 milliseconds end elapsed_time # => 20.milliseconds (approximately)
Returns a reading from the monotonic clock to measure elapsed time.
Values from the monotonic clock and wall clock are not comparable. This method does not return a Time
instance but a Time::Span
amounting to the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the unspecified starting point of the monotonic clock. The returned values are strictly linearly increasing.
This clock should be independent from discontinuous jumps in the system time, such as leap seconds, time zone adjustments or manual changes to the computer's clock.
Subtracting two results from this method equals to the time elapsed between both readings:
start = Time.monotonic # operation that takes 20 milliseconds elapsed = Time.monotonic - start # => 20.milliseconds (approximately) # operation that takes 50 milliseconds elapsed_total = Time.monotonic - start # => 70.milliseconds (approximately)
The execution time of a block can be measured using .measure
Parse datetime format specified by ISO 8601.
This is similar to .parse_rfc3339
but RFC 3339 defines a more strict format. In ISO 8601 for examples, field delimiters (#-
, :
) are optional.
Use #to_rfc3339
to format a Time
according to .
Returns a copy of this Time
with span added.
It adds the number of months with overflow increasing the year. If the resulting day-of-month would be invalid, it is adjusted to the last valid day of the moneth.
For example, adding 1.month
to 2007-03-31
would result in the invalid date 2007-04-31
which will be adjusted to 2007-04-30
This operates on the local time-line, such that the local date-time represenations of month and year are increased by the specified amount.
If the resulting date-time is ambiguous due to time zone transitions, a correct time will be returned, but it does not guarantee which.
Returns a copy of this Time
with span subtracted.
It adds the number of months with overflow decreasing the year. If the resulting day-of-month would be invalid, it is adjusted to the last valid day of the moneth.
For example, subtracting 1.month
from 2007-05-31
would result in the invalid date 2007-04-31
which will be adjusted to 2007-04-30
This operates on the local time-line, such that the local date-time represenations of month and year are decreased by the specified amount.
If the resulting date-time is ambiguous due to time zone transitions, a correct time will be returned, but it does not guarantee which.
Returns a Time::Span
amounting to the duration between other and self
The time span is negative if self
is before other.
The duration amounts to the actual time elapsed between both instances, on the instant time-line. The difference between local date-time representations may equal to a different duration, depending on time zone transitions.
Compares this Time
with other.
The comparison is based on the instant time-line, even if the local date-time representation (wall clock) would compare differently.
To ensure the comparison is also true for local wall clock, both date-times need to be transformed to the same time zone.
Compares this Time
with other for equality.
Two instances are considered equal if they represent the same date-time in the instant time-line, even if they show a different local date-time.
time_de = Time.local(2018, 3, 8, 22, 5, 13, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time_ar = Time.local(2018, 3, 8, 18, 5, 13, location: Time::Location.load("America/Buenos_Aires")) time_de == time_ar # => true # both times represent the same instant: time_de.to_utc # => 2018-03-08 21:05:13 UTC time_ar.to_utc # => 2018-03-08 21:05:13 UTC
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the day.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the hour.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the minute.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the month.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the quarter.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the seconds.
This essentially scaps off nanoseconds
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the semester.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the week.
TODO Ensure correctness in local time-line.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the beginning of the year.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the semester.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the end of the week.
TODO Ensure correctness in local time-line.
Returns the ISO calendar year and week in which this instance occurs.
The ISO calendar year to which the week belongs is not always in the same as the year of the regular calendar date. The first three days of January sometimes belong to week 52 (or 53) of the previous year; equally the last three days of December sometimes are already in week 1 of the following year.
For that reason, this method returns a tuple year, week
consisting of the calendar year to which the calendar week belongs and the ordinal number of the week within that year.
Together with #day_of_week
this represents a specific day as commercial or week date format year, week, day_of_week
in the same way as the typical format year, month, day
. .week_date
creates a Time
instance from a week date.
Returns the day of the week (Monday..Sunday
Returns the day of the year.
The value range is 1..365
in normal yars and 1..366
in leap years.
Returns true
if the day of week is Friday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant observed in location.
This method changes the time zone and retains the instant, which will usually result in a different representation of local date-time (unless both locations have the same offset).
Ambiguous time zone transitions such as gaps and overlaps have no effect on the result because it retains the same instant.
time_de = Time.local(2018, 3, 8, 22, 5, 13, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) time_ar = time_de.in Time::Location.load("America/Buenos_Aires") time_de # => 2018-03-08 22:05:13 +01:00 Europe/Berlin time_ar # => 2018-03-08 18:05:13 -03:00 America/Buenos_Aires
In contrast, #to_local_in
changes to a different location while preserving the same wall time, which results in different instants on the time line.
Prints this Time
to io.
The local date-time is formatted as date string YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn +ZZ:ZZ:ZZ
. Nanoseconds are omitted if with_nanoseconds is false
. When the location is UTC
, the offset is omitted. Offset seconds are omitted if 0
The name of the location is appended unless it is a fixed zone offset.
Returns true
if #location
equals to the local time zone (Time::Location.local
Since the system's settings may change during a program's runtime, the result may not be identical between different invocations.
Returns true
if the day of week is Monday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns the offset from UTC (in seconds) in effect in #location
at this instant.
Returns true
if the day of week is Saturday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns a copy of this Time
shifted by the amount of calendrical units provided as arguments.
Positive values result in a later time, negative values in an earlier time.
This operates on the local time-line, such that the local date-time representation of the result will be apart by the specified amounts, but the elapsed time between both instances might not equal to the combined default durations This is the case for example when adding a day over a daylight-savings time change:
start = Time.new(2017, 10, 28, 13, 37, location: Time::Location.load("Europe/Berlin")) one_day_later = start.shift days: 1 one_day_later - start # => 25.hours
years is equivalent to 12
months and weeks is equivalent to 7
If the day-of-month resulting from shifting by years and months would be invalid, the date is adjusted to the last valid day of the month. For example, adding one month to 2018-08-31
would result in the invalid date 2018-09-31
which will be adjusted to 2018-09-30
Time.utc(2018, 7, 31).shift(months: 1) # => Time.utc(2018, 8, 31) Time.utc(2018, 8, 31).shift(months: 1) # => Time.utc(2018, 9, 30)
Overflow in smaller units is transferred to the next larger unit.
Changes are applied in the same order as the arguments, sorted by increasing granularity. This is relevant because the order of operations can change the result:
Time.utc(2018, 8, 31).shift(months: 1, days: -1) # => Time.utc(2018, 9, 29) Time.utc(2018, 8, 31).shift(months: 1).shift(days: -1) # => Time.utc(2018, 9, 29) Time.utc(2018, 8, 31).shift(days: -1).shift(months: 1) # => Time.utc(2018, 9, 30)
There is no explicit limit on the input values but the shift must result in a valid time between 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0
and 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999
. Otherwise ArgumentError
is raised.
If the resulting date-time is ambiguous due to time zone transitions, a correct time will be returned, but it does not guarantee which.
Returns a copy of this Time
shifted by the number of seconds and nanoseconds.
Positive values result in a later time, negative values in an earlier time.
This operates on the instant time-line, such that adding the equivalent of one hour will always be a duration of one hour later. The local date-time representation may change by a different amount, depending on time zone transitions.
Overflow in nanoseconds will be transferred to seconds.
There is no explicit limit on the input values but the addition must result in a valid time between 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0
and 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999_999_999
. Otherwise ArgumentError
is raised.
Returns true
if the day of week is Sunday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns true
if the day of week is Thursday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns the duration between this Time
and midnight of the same day.
This is equivalent to creating a Time::Span
from the time-of-day fields:
time.time_of_day == Time::Span.new(hours: time.hour, minutes: time.minute, seconds: time.second, nanoseconds: time.nanosecond)
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant in the local time zone (Time::Location.local
See #in
for details.
Creates a new Time
instance with the same local date-time representation (wall clock) in a different location.
Unlike #in
, which always preserves the same instant in time, #to_local_in
adjusts the instant such that it results in the same local date-time representation. Both instants are apart from each other by the difference in zone offsets.
new_year = Time.utc(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) tokyo = new_year.to_local_in(Time::Location.load("Asia/Tokyo")) new_york = new_year.to_local_in(Time::Location.load("America/New_York")) tokyo.inspect # => "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0 +09:00 Asia/Tokyo" new_york.inspect # => "2019-01-01 00:00:00.0 -05:00 America/New_York"
Format this time using the format specified by RFC 3339 (ISO 8601 profile).
Time.utc(2016, 2, 15).to_rfc3339 # => "2016-02-15T00:00:00Z"
ISO 8601 allows some freedom over the syntax and RFC 3339 exercises that freedom to rigidly define a fixed format intended for use in internet protocols and standards.
Number of seconds decimals can be selected with fraction_digits. Values accepted are 0 (the default, no decimals), 3 (milliseconds), 6 (microseconds) or 9 (nanoseconds).
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format.
See Time::Format
for details.
time = Time.local(2016, 4, 5) time.to_s("%F") # => "2016-04-05"
Prints this Time
to io.
The local date-time is formatted as date string YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss +ZZ:ZZ:ZZ
. Nanoseconds are always omitted. When the location is UTC
, the offset is replaced with the string UTC
. Offset seconds are omitted if 0
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format to the given io.
See Time::Format
for details.
DEPRECATED Use #to_s(io : IO, format : String)
Formats this Time
according to the pattern in format to the given io.
See Time::Format
for details.
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
time = Time.utc(2016, 1, 12, 3, 4, 5) time.to_unix # => 1452567845
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
) as Float64
with nanosecond precision.
time = Time.utc(2016, 1, 12, 3, 4, 5, nanosecond: 678_000_000) time.to_unix_f # => 1452567845.678
Returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
time = Time.utc(2016, 1, 12, 3, 4, 5, nanosecond: 678_000_000) time.to_unix_ms # => 1452567845678
Returns a copy of this Time
representing the same instant in UTC (Time::Location::UTC
See #in
for details.
Returns true
if the day of week is Tuesday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns true
if #location
equals to Location::UTC
Returns true
if the day of week is Wednesday.
See #day_of_week
for details.
Returns the time zone in effect in #location
at this instant.
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.