The WindowClient interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the scope of a service worker client that is a document in a browsing context, controlled by an active worker. The service worker client independently selects and uses a service worker for its own loading and sub-resources.
Instance methods
WindowClient inherits methods from its parent interface, Client.
Indicates the visibility of the current client. This value can be one of "hidden", "visible", or "prerender".
console.log("On notification click: ", event.notification.tag);
event.notification.close();// This looks to see if the current is already open and// focuses if it is
type:"window",}).then((clientList)=>{for(const client of clientList){if(client.url ==="/"&&"focus"in client){
client.focus();break;}}if(clients.openWindow)return clients.openWindow("/");}),);});