
/OpenJDK 21

Interface HTMLElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Node
All Known Subinterfaces:
HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAppletElement, HTMLAreaElement, HTMLBaseElement, HTMLBaseFontElement, HTMLBodyElement, HTMLBRElement, HTMLButtonElement, HTMLDirectoryElement, HTMLDivElement, HTMLDListElement, HTMLFieldSetElement, HTMLFontElement, HTMLFormElement, HTMLFrameElement, HTMLFrameSetElement, HTMLHeadElement, HTMLHeadingElement, HTMLHRElement, HTMLHtmlElement, HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLIsIndexElement, HTMLLabelElement, HTMLLegendElement, HTMLLIElement, HTMLLinkElement, HTMLMapElement, HTMLMenuElement, HTMLMetaElement, HTMLModElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLOListElement, HTMLOptGroupElement, HTMLOptionElement, HTMLParagraphElement, HTMLParamElement, HTMLPreElement, HTMLQuoteElement, HTMLScriptElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLStyleElement, HTMLTableCaptionElement, HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement, HTMLTableElement, HTMLTableRowElement, HTMLTableSectionElement, HTMLTextAreaElement, HTMLTitleElement, HTMLUListElement
public interface HTMLElement extends Element
All HTML element interfaces derive from this class. Elements that only expose the HTML core attributes are represented by the base HTMLElement interface. These elements are as follows: HEAD special: SUB, SUP, SPAN, BDO font: TT, I, B, U, S, STRIKE, BIG, SMALL phrase: EM, STRONG, DFN, CODE, SAMP, KBD, VAR, CITE, ACRONYM, ABBR list: DD, DT NOFRAMES, NOSCRIPT ADDRESS, CENTER The style attribute of an HTML element is accessible through the ElementCSSInlineStyle interface which is defined in the .

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification.

1.4, DOM Level 2

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getClassName()
The class attribute of the element.
String getDir()
Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text and the directionality of tables.
String getId()
The element's identifier.
String getLang()
Language code defined in RFC 1766.
String getTitle()
The element's advisory title.
void setClassName(String className)
void setDir(String dir)
void setId(String id)
void setLang(String lang)
void setTitle(String title)

Method Details


String getId()
The element's identifier. See the id attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setId(String id)


String getTitle()
The element's advisory title. See the title attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setTitle(String title)


String getLang()
Language code defined in RFC 1766. See the lang attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setLang(String lang)


String getDir()
Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text and the directionality of tables. See the dir attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setDir(String dir)


String getClassName()
The class attribute of the element. This attribute has been renamed due to conflicts with the "class" keyword exposed by many languages. See the class attribute definition in HTML 4.0.


void setClassName(String className)

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